Strafe Script

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Joined: 05 Aug 2019, 16:01

Strafe Script

07 Aug 2019, 13:43

Hi there community, I'm new here and have a request.

As you can see by the topic, I want someone to code me a script which strafes for me in CS:GO. I've seen people complaining about promoting cheats in this forum and I agree, I hate cheaters but this is not cheating but something different (As long as it doesn't inject into the game and just emulates what technically a human could also do).
For those who don't know what I mean, I basically want that the script holds down A while I move my mouse to the left and holds D when I move my mouse to the right. I don't know if it's perfectly doable because I've been roaming forums and
seen several scripts and tried them but they don't seem to work or not really in such a useful way that it's even worthy to use, for example one script spams aaaaa or ddddd when I move the mouse to the certain direction which makes it unusable.
Back in the days I basically used a cheat which strafed for me and I got banned but I didn't know it injected into the game.. so anyway, I think it shouldn't need to inject into a game which can be done with AHK, I hope :).

If it's not a problem: if I press and or hold any of those buttons (w,a,s,d) the script shouldn't do anything as long as one of those buttons is being pressed so I can change direction when it's needed manually :)

Thanks in advance!

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