Remapped keypad keys 00 and NumLock dont work in games

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Joined: 26 Sep 2014, 18:34

Remapped keypad keys 00 and NumLock dont work in games

Post by LittleBigMartin » 26 Sep 2014, 19:43

Hi there, please I need help with remapping double zero key and numlock key on a keypad. My goal is to remap "NumLock" to "v", then "Numpad0" to "b" and Double Zero (Numpad0 being pressed by double zero) to "f". Here below I am posting the script:
NumLock issue - while on desktop pressing numlock generates desired key - that is "v". In game it generates multiple keys at once - like 2x "Pause" + "v". This is what KeyHistory says after one press and release of numlock:

VK SC Type Up/Dn Elapsed Key Window
90 145 h d 7.85 Numlock
90 145 i u 0.01 Numlock
90 145 i d 0.00 Numlock
90 145 i u 0.00 Numlock
90 145 i d 0.00 Numlock
56 02F i d 0.00 V
90 145 h u 0.11 Numlock
56 02F i u 0.00 V

Double zero issue - this key fortunately works the same way on desktop as in game, but it works poorly. Pressing double zero key generates two keys "f" and "b" at the same time, while I need it to generate only "f" since "b" should be generated only when Numpad0 is pressed. I have few theories why that is so but I am not sure about it.

Posts: 2
Joined: 26 Sep 2014, 18:34

Re: Remapped keypad keys 00 and NumLock dont work in games

Post by LittleBigMartin » 11 Nov 2014, 14:19

Thank you for the reply, I read this topic before and unfortunately had issues with the scripts posted there.

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