Crosshair Toggle on Button press Topic is solved

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Crosshair Toggle on Button press

11 Aug 2016, 20:03

Hello, AHK community, I've been using an AHK crosshair overlay for some while now, and I find it to be near perfect, except for the one deficiency of not being able to turn the crosshair/drawn image off while (for example) pressing the right mouse button, and the crosshair showing immediately upon release of the RMB.
I tried my luck with the GetKeyState already, but I seem to have some major flaws in what I've tried, because it did absolutely nothing for me. Anyway, hoping for some help; below the existing code.

Code: Select all

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Windows 7/8/8.1 32/64bit
; Author:         Youcef Hamdani 	<>
;				  YOUCEFHam 		<>
; Script Function:
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen 

;-------------Remove .ahk and .exe from filename to get name for INI file
ScriptName := A_ScriptName
StringReplace, ScriptName, ScriptName, .ahk,, All
StringReplace, ScriptName, ScriptName, .exe,, All

;---------------------------------------YOUCEFHam-----------------------------No Recoil/Rapid Fire
vm = 1
ft = 1
chv = 0

;--------------------Load the saved values.
IfExist %ScriptName%.ini
	IniRead,chxt, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol,chxt
	IniRead,chyt, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol,chyt
	IniRead,chp, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, PictureNum
	IniRead,chcl, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, Picturecolor
	IniRead,chc, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, Picturecolorval
	IniRead,chimg, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, PictureFile
	IniRead,chimgw, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniRead,chimgh, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, PictureHeight

;--------------------Set the new values.
IfnotExist %ScriptName%.ini
	chxt = 0
	chyt = 0
	IniWrite, %chxt%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair tol, chxt
	IniWrite, %chyt%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair tol, chyt
	chp = 1
	chc = 1
	chcl = Blue
	IniWrite, %chp%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureNum
	IniWrite, %chcl%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, Picturecolor
	IniWrite, %chc%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, Picturecolorval
	chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
	chimgw = 60
	chimgh = 60
	IniWrite, %chimg%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureFile
	IniWrite, %chimgw%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniWrite, %chimgh%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureHeight

SetTimer, menu, 120
goto menu

	if vm = 1
		vm = 0
		SetTimer, menu, Off
	else if vm = 0
		vm = 1
		SetTimer, menu, 120
		goto menu

ToolTip,Crosshair Type:	%chp%`nCrosshair Color:	%chcl%`nCrosshair Size:	%chimgw%`n---------------------------------------------`nKey		Effect`nPageDown	Show/Hide Menu`nHome		Show/Hide Crosshair`n/		Change Crosshair type`n*		Change Crosshair color`n+		Increase Crosshair Size`n-		Decrease Crosshair Size`nCtrl+Arows	Move Crosshair Position`nEnd		Reload`nPause		Pause`nDelete		Exit`n---------------------------------------------`nCreated By 		      YoucefHam,0,0,1

Home:: ;------------Show/Hide Crochair
	if chv = 0
		if ft = 1
			gosub, showch
		else if ft =0
			gosub, drawch
		chv = 1
		SetTimer, tick, 200
	else if chv = 1
		Gui, Cancel
		SetTimer, tick, Off
		chv = 0
	if ft = 1
		WinGetActiveTitle, wint
		WinGetPos, winx, winy, winw, winh, %wint%
		gosub, posch
		Gui Add, Picture, w%chimgw% h%chimgh% AltSubmit, %A_ScriptDir%\IMG\%chimg%
		Gui Color, FFFFFF
		Gui Show, NA x%chx% y%chy%
		Gui +AlwaysOnTop
		WinSet, TransColor, White, %A_ScriptName%
		Gui -Caption
		ft = 0

    chx := winx + (winw /2) + chxt - chimgw
    chy := winy + (winh /2) + chyt - chimgh

    GoSub, posch
	Gui, Show, NA x%chx% y%chy%

    IfWinActive, %wint%
        WinGetPos, winx1, winy1, winw1, winh1, %wint%
		if winx1 <> winx or winy1 <> winy or winw1 <> winw or winh1 <> winh
			WinGetPos, winx, winy, winw, winh, %wint%
			if chv = 1
				GoSub, drawch
		Gui, Cancel

 ;-------------------------------Move/Adjust Crochair
    chyt -= 1
    GoSub, drawch
    IniWrite, %chyt%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chyt

    chyt += 1
    GoSub, drawch
    IniWrite, %chyt%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chyt

    chxt -= 1
    GoSub, drawch
    IniWrite, %chxt%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chxt

    chxt += 1
    GoSub, drawch
    IniWrite, %chxt%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chxt

	if chv = 1
		if chp = 1
			chp = 2
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 2
			chp = 3
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 3
			chp = 4
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 4
			chp = 5
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 5
			chp = 6
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 6
			chp = 1
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		IniWrite, %chimg%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureFile
		IniWrite, %chp%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureNum
		Gui, Destroy
		ft = 1
		gosub, showch

	if chv = 1
		if chc = 1
			chc = 2
			chcl = Green
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chc = 2
			chc = 3
			chcl = Red
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chc = 3
			chc = 4
			chcl = Yellow
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chc = 4
			chc = 1
			chcl = Blue
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		IniWrite, %chimg%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureFile
		IniWrite, %chcl%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, Picturecolor
		IniWrite, %chc%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, Picturecolorval
		Gui, Destroy
		ft = 1
		gosub, showch

	if chv = 1
		chimgw -= 1
		if chimgw < 5
			chimgw = 5
		chimgh -= 1
		if chimgh < 5
			chimgh = 5
		IniWrite, %chimgw%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
		IniWrite, %chimgh%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureHeight
		Gui, Destroy
		ft = 1
		gosub, showch

	if chv = 1
		chimgw += 1
		if chimgw > 200
			chimgw = 200
		chimgh += 1
		if chimgh > 200
			chimgh = 200
		IniWrite, %chimgw%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
		IniWrite, %chimgh%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureHeight
		Gui, Destroy
		ft = 1
		gosub, showch

Pause::  ;-------------Pause the script.
	Suspend, toggle
return ;-------------------------------

End::  ;-------------Reload the script
	Gui, Destroy
return ;-------------------------------

Delete::  ;-------------Exit the script.
	Gui, Destroy
	Sleep, 200
return ;-------------------------------
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Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

13 Aug 2016, 11:13

Hi bro,

I will work on it soon.

hold tight.
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Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

13 Aug 2016, 11:48

Kezraw wrote:Hello, AHK community, I've been using an AHK crosshair overlay for some while now, and I find it to be near perfect, except for the one deficiency of not being able to turn the crosshair/drawn image off while (for example) pressing the right mouse button, and the crosshair showing immediately upon release of the RMB.
I tried my luck with the GetKeyState already, but I seem to have some major flaws in what I've tried, because it did absolutely nothing for me. Anyway, hoping for some help; below the existing code.
Add this code to the script. :terms:

Code: Select all

#if chv = 1

*~RButton:: ;------------Hide Crochair
Gui, Cancel
SetTimer, tick, Off

*~RButton Up:: ;------------Show Crochair
Sleep, 250
gosub, drawch
SetTimer, tick, 200

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Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press  Topic is solved

13 Aug 2016, 12:02

and you asked me if you have new one, well I don't

you can go to "IMG" folder, those files are just pictures


change them and keep the name, and remove ".jpg", :bravo: you got your newer Crosshair.
:wave: There is always more than one way to solve a problem. ;)
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Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

13 Aug 2016, 12:06

YoucefHam wrote:
Kezraw wrote:Hello, AHK community, I've been using an AHK crosshair overlay for some while now, and I find it to be near perfect, except for the one deficiency of not being able to turn the crosshair/drawn image off while (for example) pressing the right mouse button, and the crosshair showing immediately upon release of the RMB.
I tried my luck with the GetKeyState already, but I seem to have some major flaws in what I've tried, because it did absolutely nothing for me. Anyway, hoping for some help; below the existing code.
Add this code to the script. :terms:

Code: Select all

#if chv = 1

*~RButton:: ;------------Hide Crochair
Gui, Cancel
SetTimer, tick, Off

*~RButton Up:: ;------------Show Crochair
Sleep, 250
gosub, drawch
SetTimer, tick, 200

This works. Thank you so much :D :wave:
Denner Slabz
Posts: 25
Joined: 26 Sep 2020, 01:48

Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 15:37

Does anyone have a download for everything mentioned here? I've scoured the internet in search of a cheap effective crosshair overlay that hides on right click.
Denner Slabz
Posts: 25
Joined: 26 Sep 2020, 01:48

Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 15:47

I'm using
@YoucefHam script but I want to have the images show up.
Denner Slabz
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Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 15:51

WTF. The crosshair is running away from me.
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Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 15:51

Denner Slabz wrote:
09 Jun 2021, 15:47
I'm using
@YoucefHam script but I want to have the images show up.
what do you mean by showing up the images !!!
:wave: There is always more than one way to solve a problem. ;)
Denner Slabz
Posts: 25
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Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 15:54

YoucefHam wrote:
09 Jun 2021, 15:51
Denner Slabz wrote:
09 Jun 2021, 15:47
I'm using
@YoucefHam script but I want to have the images show up.
what do you mean by showing up the images !!!
Nevermind, it works. But it looks to be very glitchy. Do you have a download for the latest version of your app? Thanks in advance!
Denner Slabz
Posts: 25
Joined: 26 Sep 2020, 01:48

Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 15:55

Nevermind it is showing, but it is very glitchy. Do you have the latest version I can download?
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Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 16:15

Denner Slabz wrote:
09 Jun 2021, 15:55
Nevermind it is showing, but it is very glitchy. Do you have the latest version I can download?
Here it is the last time I used it.

Code: Select all

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Windows 7/8/8.1 32/64bit
; Author:         Youcef Hamdani 	<>
;				  YOUCEFHam 		<>
; Script Function:
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
CoordMode, ToolTip, Client
CoordMode, Menu, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen

;-------------Remove .ahk and .exe from filename to get name for INI file
ScriptName := A_ScriptName
StringReplace, ScriptName, ScriptName, .ahk,, All
StringReplace, ScriptName, ScriptName, .exe,, All

;---------------------------------------YOUCEFHam-----------------------------No Recoil/Rapid Fire
vm = 1
ft = 1
chv = 0

;--------------------Load the saved values.
IfExist %ScriptName%.ini
	IniRead,chx, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol,chx
	IniRead,chy, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol,chy
	IniRead,chp, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, PictureNum
	IniRead,chcl, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, Picturecolor
	IniRead,chc, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, Picturecolorval
	IniRead,chimg, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, PictureFile
	IniRead,chimgw, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniRead,chimgh, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, PictureHeight

;--------------------Set the new values.
IfnotExist %ScriptName%.ini
	chx := Ceil(A_ScreenWidth / 2)
	chy := Ceil(A_ScreenHeight / 2)
	IniWrite, %chx%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair tol, chx
	IniWrite, %chy%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair tol, chy
	chp = 1
	chc = 1
	chcl = Blue
	IniWrite, %chp%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureNum
	IniWrite, %chcl%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, Picturecolor
	IniWrite, %chc%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, Picturecolorval
	chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
	chimgw = 60
	chimgh = 60
	IniWrite, %chimg%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureFile
	IniWrite, %chimgw%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniWrite, %chimgh%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureHeight

ToolTip,Crosshair Type:	%chp%`nCrosshair Color:	%chcl%`nCrosshair Size:	%chimgw%`n---------------------------------------------`nKey		Effect`nPageDown	Show/Hide Menu`nHome		Show/Hide Crosshair`nCtrl+/		Change Crosshair type`nCtrl+*		Change Crosshair color`nCtrl++		Increase Crosshair Size`nCtrl+-		Decrease Crosshair Size`nCtrl+Arows	Move Crosshair Position`nCtrl+Numpad 0	Move Crosshair`nEnd		Reload`nPause		Pause`nDelete		Exit`n---------------------------------------------`nCreated By 		      YoucefHam,0,0,1

	PostMessage, 0xA1, 2,,, HYCrousshair

	if ft = 1
		WinGetActiveTitle, wint
		WinGet, active_id, ProcessName, %wint%
		wint = ahk_exe %active_id%
		WinGetPos, winx, winy, winw, winh, %wint%
		Gui Add, Picture, w%chimgw% h%chimgh% AltSubmit gMoveGui vChr, %A_ScriptDir%\IMG\%chimg%
		Gui Color, FFFFFF
		Gui -Caption -Border -Sysmenu +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +LastFound
		Gui Show, NA x%chx% y%chy%, HYCrousshair
		if !AppsKey_D
			WinSet, TransColor, White, HYCrousshair
			WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, HYCrousshair
		ft = 0

	Gui, Show, NA x%chx% y%chy%, HYCrousshair
	WinSet, TransColor, White, HYCrousshair
	WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, HYCrousshair

    If (WinActive(wint) or ("HYCrousshair"))
		if Gui_
			if chv = 1
				Gui, Show, NA x%chx% y%chy%, HYCrousshair
				Gui_ = 0
		Gui, Hide
		Gui_ = 1

Home:: ;------------Show/Hide Crochair
	if chv = 0
		if ft = 1
			gosub, showch
		else if ft = 0
			gosub, drawch
		chv = 1
		SetTimer, tick, 500
		vm = 0
	else if chv = 1
		Gui, Cancel
		SetTimer, tick, Off
		chv = 0

if !chv
	if vm
		vm = 0
		vm = 1
		goto menu

Pause::  ;-------------Pause the script.
	Suspend, toggle
return ;-------------------------------

End::  ;-------------Reload the script
	Gui, Destroy
return ;-------------------------------

Delete::  ;-------------Exit the script.
	Gui, Destroy
	Sleep, 200
return ;-------------------------------

#If WinActive(wint)

if (wint <> "")
	WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Toggle, % Wint
	WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, on, HYCrousshair

;-------------------------------Move/Adjust Crochair
#if AppsKey_D and chv

	if WheelUp
	chimgw -= 5
	if chimgw < 5
		chimgw = 5
	chimgh -= 5
	if chimgh < 5
		chimgh = 5
	IniWrite, %chimgw%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniWrite, %chimgh%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureHeight
	Gui, Destroy
	ft = 1
	gosub, showch
	WheelDown = 1
	Sleep, 250
	WheelDown = 0

	if WheelDown
	chimgw += 2
	if chimgw > 200
		chimgw = 200
	chimgh += 2
	if chimgh > 200
		chimgh = 200
	IniWrite, %chimgw%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniWrite, %chimgh%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureHeight
	Gui, Destroy
	ft = 1
	gosub, showch
	WheelUp = 1
	Sleep, 250
	WheelUp = 0

	KeyWait, LButton, U
	WinGetPos, chx, chy,,, HYCrousshair
	IniWrite, %chx%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chx
	IniWrite, %chy%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chy

;-------------------------------Move/Adjust Crochair
#if chv and !AppsKey_D

	IfInString, A_ThisHotkey, Numpad0
		UsedKey := "Numpad0"
		UsedKey := "AppsKey"
	AppsKey_D = 1
	SetTimer, tick, Off
	winset, transcolor, Off, HYCrousshair
	WinSet, ExStyle, -0x20, HYCrousshair
	KeyWait, % UsedKey, U
	WinActivate, % wint
	WinGetPos, chx, chy,,, HYCrousshair
	IniWrite, %chx%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chx
	IniWrite, %chy%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chy
	WinSet, TransColor, White, HYCrousshair
	WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, HYCrousshair
	AppsKey_D = 0
	SetTimer, tick, 500

	WinGetPos, chx, chy,,, HYCrousshair
	chy -= 1
	WinMove, HYCrousshair,, chx, chy
	IniWrite, %chy%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chy

	WinGetPos, chx, chy,,, HYCrousshair
    chy += 1
	WinMove, HYCrousshair,, chx, chy
    IniWrite, %chy%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chy

	WinGetPos, chx, chy,,, HYCrousshair
    chx -= 1
	WinMove, HYCrousshair,, chx, chy
    IniWrite, %chx%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chx

	WinGetPos, chx, chy,,, HYCrousshair
    chx += 1
	WinMove, HYCrousshair,, chx, chy
    IniWrite, %chx%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chx

	chimgw -= 1
	if chimgw < 5
		chimgw = 5
	chimgh -= 1
	if chimgh < 5
		chimgh = 5
	IniWrite, %chimgw%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniWrite, %chimgh%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureHeight
	Gui, Destroy
	ft = 1
	gosub, showch

	chimgw += 1
	if chimgw > 200
		chimgw = 200
	chimgh += 1
	if chimgh > 200
		chimgh = 200
	IniWrite, %chimgw%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniWrite, %chimgh%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureHeight
	Gui, Destroy
	ft = 1
	gosub, showch

	if chv = 1
		if chp = 1
			chp = 2
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 2
			chp = 3
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 3
			chp = 4
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 4
			chp = 5
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 5
			chp = 6
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 6
			chp = 1
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		IniWrite, %chimg%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureFile
		IniWrite, %chp%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureNum
		Gui, Destroy
		ft = 1
		gosub, showch

	if chv = 1
		if chc = 1
			chc = 2
			chcl = Green
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chc = 2
			chc = 3
			chcl = Red
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chc = 3
			chc = 4
			chcl = Yellow
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chc = 4
			chc = 1
			chcl = Blue
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		IniWrite, %chimg%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureFile
		IniWrite, %chcl%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, Picturecolor
		IniWrite, %chc%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, Picturecolorval
		Gui, Destroy
		ft = 1
		gosub, showch
:wave: There is always more than one way to solve a problem. ;)
Denner Slabz
Posts: 25
Joined: 26 Sep 2020, 01:48

Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 16:33

YoucefHam wrote:
09 Jun 2021, 16:15
Denner Slabz wrote:
09 Jun 2021, 15:55
Nevermind it is showing, but it is very glitchy. Do you have the latest version I can download?
Here it is the last time I used it.

Code: Select all

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Windows 7/8/8.1 32/64bit
; Author:         Youcef Hamdani 	<>
;				  YOUCEFHam 		<>
; Script Function:
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
CoordMode, ToolTip, Client
CoordMode, Menu, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen

;-------------Remove .ahk and .exe from filename to get name for INI file
ScriptName := A_ScriptName
StringReplace, ScriptName, ScriptName, .ahk,, All
StringReplace, ScriptName, ScriptName, .exe,, All

;---------------------------------------YOUCEFHam-----------------------------No Recoil/Rapid Fire
vm = 1
ft = 1
chv = 0

;--------------------Load the saved values.
IfExist %ScriptName%.ini
	IniRead,chx, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol,chx
	IniRead,chy, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol,chy
	IniRead,chp, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, PictureNum
	IniRead,chcl, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, Picturecolor
	IniRead,chc, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, Picturecolorval
	IniRead,chimg, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, PictureFile
	IniRead,chimgw, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniRead,chimgh, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair Picture, PictureHeight

;--------------------Set the new values.
IfnotExist %ScriptName%.ini
	chx := Ceil(A_ScreenWidth / 2)
	chy := Ceil(A_ScreenHeight / 2)
	IniWrite, %chx%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair tol, chx
	IniWrite, %chy%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair tol, chy
	chp = 1
	chc = 1
	chcl = Blue
	IniWrite, %chp%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureNum
	IniWrite, %chcl%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, Picturecolor
	IniWrite, %chc%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, Picturecolorval
	chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
	chimgw = 60
	chimgh = 60
	IniWrite, %chimg%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureFile
	IniWrite, %chimgw%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniWrite, %chimgh%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureHeight

ToolTip,Crosshair Type:	%chp%`nCrosshair Color:	%chcl%`nCrosshair Size:	%chimgw%`n---------------------------------------------`nKey		Effect`nPageDown	Show/Hide Menu`nHome		Show/Hide Crosshair`nCtrl+/		Change Crosshair type`nCtrl+*		Change Crosshair color`nCtrl++		Increase Crosshair Size`nCtrl+-		Decrease Crosshair Size`nCtrl+Arows	Move Crosshair Position`nCtrl+Numpad 0	Move Crosshair`nEnd		Reload`nPause		Pause`nDelete		Exit`n---------------------------------------------`nCreated By 		      YoucefHam,0,0,1

	PostMessage, 0xA1, 2,,, HYCrousshair

	if ft = 1
		WinGetActiveTitle, wint
		WinGet, active_id, ProcessName, %wint%
		wint = ahk_exe %active_id%
		WinGetPos, winx, winy, winw, winh, %wint%
		Gui Add, Picture, w%chimgw% h%chimgh% AltSubmit gMoveGui vChr, %A_ScriptDir%\IMG\%chimg%
		Gui Color, FFFFFF
		Gui -Caption -Border -Sysmenu +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +LastFound
		Gui Show, NA x%chx% y%chy%, HYCrousshair
		if !AppsKey_D
			WinSet, TransColor, White, HYCrousshair
			WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, HYCrousshair
		ft = 0

	Gui, Show, NA x%chx% y%chy%, HYCrousshair
	WinSet, TransColor, White, HYCrousshair
	WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, HYCrousshair

    If (WinActive(wint) or ("HYCrousshair"))
		if Gui_
			if chv = 1
				Gui, Show, NA x%chx% y%chy%, HYCrousshair
				Gui_ = 0
		Gui, Hide
		Gui_ = 1

Home:: ;------------Show/Hide Crochair
	if chv = 0
		if ft = 1
			gosub, showch
		else if ft = 0
			gosub, drawch
		chv = 1
		SetTimer, tick, 500
		vm = 0
	else if chv = 1
		Gui, Cancel
		SetTimer, tick, Off
		chv = 0

if !chv
	if vm
		vm = 0
		vm = 1
		goto menu

Pause::  ;-------------Pause the script.
	Suspend, toggle
return ;-------------------------------

End::  ;-------------Reload the script
	Gui, Destroy
return ;-------------------------------

Delete::  ;-------------Exit the script.
	Gui, Destroy
	Sleep, 200
return ;-------------------------------

#If WinActive(wint)

if (wint <> "")
	WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Toggle, % Wint
	WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, on, HYCrousshair

;-------------------------------Move/Adjust Crochair
#if AppsKey_D and chv

	if WheelUp
	chimgw -= 5
	if chimgw < 5
		chimgw = 5
	chimgh -= 5
	if chimgh < 5
		chimgh = 5
	IniWrite, %chimgw%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniWrite, %chimgh%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureHeight
	Gui, Destroy
	ft = 1
	gosub, showch
	WheelDown = 1
	Sleep, 250
	WheelDown = 0

	if WheelDown
	chimgw += 2
	if chimgw > 200
		chimgw = 200
	chimgh += 2
	if chimgh > 200
		chimgh = 200
	IniWrite, %chimgw%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniWrite, %chimgh%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureHeight
	Gui, Destroy
	ft = 1
	gosub, showch
	WheelUp = 1
	Sleep, 250
	WheelUp = 0

	KeyWait, LButton, U
	WinGetPos, chx, chy,,, HYCrousshair
	IniWrite, %chx%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chx
	IniWrite, %chy%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chy

;-------------------------------Move/Adjust Crochair
#if chv and !AppsKey_D

	IfInString, A_ThisHotkey, Numpad0
		UsedKey := "Numpad0"
		UsedKey := "AppsKey"
	AppsKey_D = 1
	SetTimer, tick, Off
	winset, transcolor, Off, HYCrousshair
	WinSet, ExStyle, -0x20, HYCrousshair
	KeyWait, % UsedKey, U
	WinActivate, % wint
	WinGetPos, chx, chy,,, HYCrousshair
	IniWrite, %chx%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chx
	IniWrite, %chy%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chy
	WinSet, TransColor, White, HYCrousshair
	WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, HYCrousshair
	AppsKey_D = 0
	SetTimer, tick, 500

	WinGetPos, chx, chy,,, HYCrousshair
	chy -= 1
	WinMove, HYCrousshair,, chx, chy
	IniWrite, %chy%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chy

	WinGetPos, chx, chy,,, HYCrousshair
    chy += 1
	WinMove, HYCrousshair,, chx, chy
    IniWrite, %chy%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chy

	WinGetPos, chx, chy,,, HYCrousshair
    chx -= 1
	WinMove, HYCrousshair,, chx, chy
    IniWrite, %chx%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chx

	WinGetPos, chx, chy,,, HYCrousshair
    chx += 1
	WinMove, HYCrousshair,, chx, chy
    IniWrite, %chx%, %ScriptName%.ini, Crochair tol, chx

	chimgw -= 1
	if chimgw < 5
		chimgw = 5
	chimgh -= 1
	if chimgh < 5
		chimgh = 5
	IniWrite, %chimgw%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniWrite, %chimgh%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureHeight
	Gui, Destroy
	ft = 1
	gosub, showch

	chimgw += 1
	if chimgw > 200
		chimgw = 200
	chimgh += 1
	if chimgh > 200
		chimgh = 200
	IniWrite, %chimgw%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureWidth
	IniWrite, %chimgh%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureHeight
	Gui, Destroy
	ft = 1
	gosub, showch

	if chv = 1
		if chp = 1
			chp = 2
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 2
			chp = 3
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 3
			chp = 4
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 4
			chp = 5
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 5
			chp = 6
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chp = 6
			chp = 1
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		IniWrite, %chimg%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureFile
		IniWrite, %chp%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureNum
		Gui, Destroy
		ft = 1
		gosub, showch

	if chv = 1
		if chc = 1
			chc = 2
			chcl = Green
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chc = 2
			chc = 3
			chcl = Red
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chc = 3
			chc = 4
			chcl = Yellow
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		else if chc = 4
			chc = 1
			chcl = Blue
			chimg = CH%chp%%chc%
		IniWrite, %chimg%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, PictureFile
		IniWrite, %chcl%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, Picturecolor
		IniWrite, %chc%, %ScriptName%.ini , Crochair Picture, Picturecolorval
		Gui, Destroy
		ft = 1
		gosub, showch
Oh yes that is so much better. However when I press HOME to show the crosshair it says an error, either
image.png (17.03 KiB) Viewed 2831 times
image.png (17.9 KiB) Viewed 2831 times
Denner Slabz
Posts: 25
Joined: 26 Sep 2020, 01:48

Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 16:34

Crosshair show/hide errors:

Invalid option.

The same variable cannot be used for more than one control.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2015, 12:56
Location: Algeria

Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 16:42

Try to delete "Crosshair.ini" then run
:wave: There is always more than one way to solve a problem. ;)
Denner Slabz
Posts: 25
Joined: 26 Sep 2020, 01:48

Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 17:01

YoucefHam wrote:
09 Jun 2021, 16:42
Try to delete "Crosshair.ini" then run

So do you know if I can put my own image into it?

Also the keybinds can be changed easily, right?

Also I am assuming if I put the code you mentioned earlier, it will hide the crosshair on right click?
Denner Slabz
Posts: 25
Joined: 26 Sep 2020, 01:48

Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 17:07

Oh no, there are some more problems.
image.png (10.57 KiB) Viewed 2816 times
These don't work for some reason.

Also I can't change the crosshair from the blue
image.png (643 Bytes) Viewed 2816 times
The IMG file is downloaded from an old version, that might be the issue?
Can I use a png file I downloaded also? If so, I don't know how to do that, the IMG files CH11 etc. are confusing.
image.png (6.53 KiB) Viewed 2813 times
Edit: I don't really need those keybinds to change the type etc. because I would just use my own PNG image for crosshair. But I don't know how to connect it to autohotkey.
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Location: Algeria

Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 17:19

put your image file inside IMG folder the open "Crosshair.ini" and change "PictureFile=Your_File_Name.png"
:wave: There is always more than one way to solve a problem. ;)
Denner Slabz
Posts: 25
Joined: 26 Sep 2020, 01:48

Re: Crosshair Toggle on Button press

09 Jun 2021, 17:34

The image is distorted a little; it happens when I adjust the size to be smaller in the .ini file; is there any fix to that?

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