Thank you Mikeyww.
im late i thought i would receive an emeail notification, just came here to check.
I currently have both versions and in fact I found this script and ran it using version 1.1
the script was originally written as follow and it worked perfectly (basically a mouse rapid trigger):
Code: Select all
SetMouseDelay 1
If (GetKeyState("LButton","P")=0)
in this way i am activating or suspendig the script by pressing "home button" but the point is that i am not able to know(remember) if it is running or not. so now, i would just want the same script always active but with the condition to have LShift being pressed.
another option, that i would also prefere, is that the script is the same as the original one (run it or suspend it with "home button") but to add or remove a gui overlay (that i already have) when the script is running or when i press home button (dont know wich one will work better).
i tried with that following code it is working but the gui pops out one time and never go away even when script is suspended
Code: Select all
Gui, +LastFound -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Border
Gui, % CLICKTHROUGH := "+E0x20"
Gui, Color, White
Gui, Add, Picture,, %A_ScriptDir%\Reminder.png
Gui, Show, x1200 y0 NoActivate
WinSet, TransColor, White
SetMouseDelay 1
If (GetKeyState("LButton","P")=0)
i am not that good in programming and new to AHK can you please share a script solution? appreciate it, thanks a lot
[Mod edit: Added [code][/code] tags. Please use them yourself when posting code.]