auto scope when aiming

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auto scope when aiming

14 Nov 2015, 01:48

I am trying to do a script for a TPS called ZMR: If I click and hold RButton to aim, it automatically scopes by sending a WheelUp.
If you are using a weapon with a scope attached, you have an additional option when aiming: Click or spin the middle mouse wheel to zoom in through the scope.
I tried

Code: Select all

Sleep 500
MouseClick, WheelUp, , , 1
but it can't on/off toggle the auto-scope.
Then I did the trick in an awkward way by adapting an example code found in AHK help files into the following:

Code: Select all

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3
LWin::  ; LWin hotkey (change this hotkey to suit your preferences).
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1
if KeepLWinRunning  ; This means an underlying thread is already running the loop below.
    KeepLWinRunning := false  ; Signal that thread's loop to stop.
    return  ; End this thread so that the one underneath will resume and see the change made by the line above.
; Otherwise:
KeepLWinRunning := true
    ; The next four lines are the action you want to repeat (update them to suit your preferences):
    MouseClick, WheelUp, , , 1
    Sleep, 500
    ; But leave the rest below unchanged.
    if not KeepLWinRunning  ; The user signaled the loop to stop by pressing LWin again.
        break  ; Break out of this loop.
KeepLWinRunning := false  ; Reset in preparation for the next press of this hotkey.
The above code does auto scope, but as a side effect it sends many WheelUps when used. And I have to carefully pause the whole script at times to prevent it from interfering with other PC operations. I need a working code that is sleek.
Could you please help me on this?
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Re: auto scope when aiming

15 Nov 2015, 03:18

Maybe this will give you an idea:

Code: Select all

    Send, {MButton}    
    keywait, RButton
    Send, {MButton}
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Re: auto scope when aiming

16 Nov 2015, 06:05

Adjust HoldLength to the amount of time that you need to hold RButton for it to consider it a hold, not a click

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force
HoldLength := 250

	; On down event of RButton, wait for <HoldLength> ms before sending WheelUp
	SetTimer, DoScope, % -HoldLength	; The - is important! It means only fire once!

RButton up::
	; If RButton is released before the DoScope timer fired, cancel firing of timer
	SetTimer, DoScope, Off

; <HoldLength> ms elapsed while holding RButton - Send the WheelUp
	Send {WheelUp}
[Edit] You may need to change RButton to ~RButton if you wish to preserve the normal function that RButton performs in the game.

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