How move mouse? (no mousemove)

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How move mouse? (no mousemove)

Post by Gienkoskyy » 15 Apr 2022, 08:17

Hello, I want to move the cursor to a given place, I did it with "mousemove" but when I switched to the second windows account, this function does not work for me.

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Re: How move mouse? (no mousemove)

Post by mikeyww » 15 Apr 2022, 16:09

Ensure that the script is running. By default, coordinates are relative to the active window. You can post your script here for feedback about it.

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Re: How move mouse? (no mousemove)

Post by Gienkoskyy » 15 Apr 2022, 17:15

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SetKeyDelay, 10, 50

; Nie zapomnij przełączyć się na inne okno przed wystartowaniem kopania
; Domyślnie ustawienia:
;	 F5 - Start
; 	 F6 - Koniec

	stoniarka := 250
	while 1
		Loop, 23 ; <- Okrążenia przed wpisaniem komend
			MouseHold() ; przytrzymaj myszkę
			SendKey("d", stoniarka*6)
			SendKey("s", stoniarka*1)
			SendKey("a", stoniarka*6)
			SendKey("w", stoniarka*1)
			MouseRelease() ; puśc myszkę
		; Komendy
		Command("repair", 80)
                Command("sklep", 80)
                Sleep 50
                MouseMove, 859,441,
                SendInput {LButton}
                Sleep 500
                MouseMove, 860,367,
                Sleep 20
                SendInput {MButton}
                        Sleep 500
                        MouseMove, 966,548,
                Sleep 20
                        SendInput {LButton}
                        Sleep 500
                        MouseMove, 968,476,
                Sleep 20
                        SendInput {LButton}
                        Sleep 500
                        MouseMove, 859,405,
                Sleep 20
                        SendInput {MButton}
                        Sleep 500
                        MouseMove, 896,403,
                Sleep 20
                        SendInput {MButton}
                        Sleep 500
                        MouseMove, 931,403,
                Sleep 20
                        SendInput {MButton}
                        Sleep 500
                        MouseMove, 969,403,
                Sleep 20
                        SendInput {MButton}
                        Sleep 500
                        MouseMove, 1003,403,
                Sleep 20
                        SendInput {MButton}
                        Sleep 500
                        MouseMove, 1039,403,
                Sleep 20
                        SendInput {MButton}
                        Sleep 500
                        MouseMove, 1074,403,
                Sleep 20
                        SendInput {MButton}
                        Sleep 500
                        SendInput {Esc}
                Sleep 500
		; Opóźnienie komendy
		; Sleep 3000 

; Start
	global okna_minecrafta

	WinGet, hwnd_list, List, Minecraft
	okna_minecrafta := Array()
	DllCall("LockSetForegroundWindow", Int, 1) ; Lock
	Loop, %hwnd_list%
		hwnd := hwnd_list%A_Index%
		DllCall("SetForegroundWindow", UInt, hwnd)

; Zakończ
KeyDown(key, hwnd){
	WM_KEYDOWN := 0x100
	PostMessage, %WM_KEYDOWN%, %key%, , , ahk_id %hwnd%

KeyUp(key, hwnd){
	WM_KEYUP := 0x101
	PostMessage, %WM_KEYUP%, %key%, 0xC0000000, , ahk_id %hwnd%

SendKey(key, t:=50){
	global okna_minecrafta	
	if key is not integer
		StringUpper, key, key
		key := ord(key)
	for index, hwnd in okna_minecrafta
		KeyDown(key, hwnd)
	Sleep %t%
	for index, hwnd in okna_minecrafta
		KeyUp(key, hwnd)
	Sleep 50

	global okna_minecrafta
	for index, hwnd in okna_minecrafta
		PostMessage, %WM_LBUTTONDOWN%, 1, , , ahk_id %hwnd%

	global okna_minecrafta
	WM_LBUTTONUP := 0x202
	for index, hwnd in okna_minecrafta
		PostMessage, %WM_LBUTTONUP%, 0, , , ahk_id %hwnd%

Command(command, t){
	SendKey(0xBF) ; SLASH
	Loop, Parse, command
		SendKey(A_LoopField, t)
	SendKey(0x0D) ; ENTER

; Kopacz by Gizaar
; edit by Gienkoskyy
This is a script for background brick digging in the game Minecraft.
kopanie w tle.ahk
(3.67 KiB) Downloaded 28 times

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Re: How move mouse? (no mousemove)

Post by mikeyww » 15 Apr 2022, 19:21

Although the meaning of "this function does not work for me" is not provided, it looks like you need a debugging strategy. Here would be mine.
1. Shorten the script, so that you can test one section at a time.
2. Remove the loops, so that you can test single iterations.
3. Follow the script line by line, to try to understand what happens at every step.
4. Display the values of your variables (or use ListVars, etc.)
5. Display the values of your conditional statements (e.g., If...).
This approach may help you to pinpoint the problem.

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Re: How move mouse? (no mousemove)

Post by slavaukdemnt » 18 Apr 2022, 02:42

“It's called a mouse mover and it moves your mouse while you're away so you can go to the bathroom free from paranoia,” she explains. Mouse movers are small devices that go under a computer's mouse (not a laptop trackpad) and keep the cursor active without any human interaction.

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