Background autoclicker

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Background autoclicker

Post by Capbell » 11 Mar 2024, 14:52

hi i am very new to coding and i found a script to autoclick in the background but it only works on a specific program and im trying to change it to work on Roblox
Here is the script

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
F1:: ;Hotkey that starts the magic.
{	WinGet Win, MinMax, Tester ;Gets the status of the targeted window or game.
	IfEqual Win, 0, WinMinimize, Tester ;Minimize Testerwindow
	SetTimer, Clicker, 100 ;Turns on the timerloop. 100*10 = 1 second.
	SetTimer, 1sec, 1000 ;Turns on the timerloop. 1000 = 1 second.
} Return

{	IfWinExist, Tester
	{	WinGet Win, MinMax, Tester
		If (Win = -1) Or (Win = 1) Or (Win = 0) ;Makes sure if the window is Minimize/WinMaximize or somewhere in-between.
			ControlClick, x121 y79, Tester  ;The clicker command taht send the clicks to the targeted window.
			CountingClicks += 1 ;records each click
			If (CountingClicks = 10) ;When 10 clicks are sent it will trigger the code below.
				SetTimer, Clicker, OFF ;turns off the timerloop
				If (Win = -1) ;If WinMinimize
				{	IfEqual Win, -1, Winrestore, Tester ;Restores Tester Window from being Minimized.
				} CountingClicks := 0 ;resets the counder to 0
				MsgBox, 10 Clicks in 1 second ;Tells you when finished.
		SetTimer, Clicker, OFF
		MsgBox, Tester Window Not Found!
} Return
{	SoundBeep, 400, 50 ;Beeps after 1 second
	SetTimer, 1sec, Off
} Return
~Esc::ExitApp ;Kills the script
Last edited by joedf on 11 Mar 2024, 15:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Background autoclicker

Post by V0RT3X » 12 Mar 2024, 07:14

Welcome to AutoHotkey V1!

There are a lot of already built Roblox auto clickers. One of them may work for you, or at least help to show you how to alter your script.

To change the specific program (known as WinTitle in AHK) in your provided script, please review AHK documentation...

Also, please note the remark by Administrator joedf.
In the "Full Editor & Preview", highlight code and click the 5th button from the left.
Depending on the board style you are using, it will either have the word 'Code' or the symbol '</>' on it.

Code: Select all

It will then look something like this and be much easier for folks to help you moving forward.
Best of luck on your AHK/gaming adventures!!

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