MS SAPI Voice training for clash of clans Topic is solved

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MS SAPI Voice training for clash of clans  Topic is solved

Post by Guest » 30 Oct 2014, 21:26

Hi all,
I got the Keep Alive and Gold/Elixir search in my script working (playing the game on BlueStacks). And I also have voice commands for my troops working ("Send 10 giants from the north east" etc) ... well sort of.. sometimes ms SAPI cant pick up my words... so what I want to do is train sapi using the built in voice training dialog... I'm just not sure how to bring up the dialog thru the COM interface... This is what i got:

pspeaker := ComObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice")
pspeaker.volume := 100
plistener := ComObjCreate("SAPI.SpInprocRecognizer") ; For not showing Windows Voice Recognition widget.
paudioinputs := plistener.GetAudioInputs() ; For not showing Windows Voice Recognition widget.
plistener.AudioInput := paudioinputs.Item(0) ; For not showing Windows Voice Recognition widget.
ObjRelease(paudioinputs) ; Release object from memory, it is not needed anymore.
pcontext := plistener.CreateRecoContext()
pgrammar := pcontext.CreateGrammar()
prules := pgrammar.Rules()
prulec := prules.Add("wordsRule", 0x1|0x20)
pstate := prulec.InitialState()

; add more like this here
pstate.AddWordTransition(ComObjParameter(13, 0), "giants")
pstate.AddWordTransition(ComObjParameter(13, 0), "send")

;********** bring up voice recognition dialog *** not working
WinGet, active_id, ID, A
pspeaker.displayui(active_id, "Training", "SPDUI_UserTraining")

Note: I do not want the user to go thru control panel and do voice training there... i want to be able press a button and have the voice trainning dialog popup with the COC commands ("Giants,Archers,Attack,Rage Spell,South West" etc)..

Thanks for the help

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