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How can I immediately interrupt a while loop, or refactor my logic?

Posted: 21 Jan 2022, 01:30
by rzjnzk
I'm trying to write an auto sprint script for the game The Forest, however, I need to hold the shift key down for some duration, then release and wait for stamina to regenerate before pressing once again. I would rather not have to wait for this cycle to complete before exiting the loop and so I want a way to immediately end the hotkeys logic when I press `W` and/or `Shift`. Currently this logic will end the loop after the current iteration, however, when I then wish to use 'W' to walk forward ingame my character appears to be making minute steps.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force

; #MaxThreads 2

#IfWinActive ahk_exe TheForest.exe

global stop = 0

    Send, {W}
    stop = 1

    Send, %A_ThisHotkey%
    KeyWait, %A_ThisHotkey%, D T0.10
    ; If ErrorLevel is non-zero if the above KeyWait timed out. You only pressed and released the hotkey once.
    if (!stop)
        stop = 0
        Send, {W down}

        while (!stop)
            Send, {Shift down}
            Send, {Shift down}
            Sleep, 5000
            Send, {Shift up}
            Sleep 3125


Working Version (SOLVED)

Code: Select all

;     the-forest-auto-sprint.ahk
;     Auto-sprint script for 'The Forest' that holds shift at set time intervals.
;     Copyright (c) Robert Zack Jaidyn Norris-Karr <> <>
;     Main Repository: 

#SingleInstance Force

#IfWinActive ahk_exe TheForest.exe

    Send {Shift}
    if (A_ThisHotkey == A_PriorHotkey && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 300)
        Send, {W down}

            Send, {Shift down}
            Send, {Shift down}

            KeyWait, Shift, D T5

            if (!ErrorLevel)

            Send, {Shift up}

            KeyWait, Shift, D T3.125

            if (!ErrorLevel)

        Send {W up}
        Send {Shift up}
