winclose not working

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winclose not working

03 Jul 2022, 06:14

i have this code :

Code: Select all

gui, add, DropDownList, x180 y50 w200  vAB1 , head|chest|legs
gui, add, DropDownList, x180 y125  w200  vAB2 , legit|rage
gui,add,checkbox,gAB1 vAB c0583FD x180 y165, ab
gui, show

GuiControlGet, Checked,,Ab
If (Checked == 1)    
   Gui, Submit, nohide
   run %AB1%.%AB2%.ahk
If (Checked == 0)     
DetectHiddenWindows, On
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Loop {
winclose, head.legit.ahk
winclose, head.rage.ahk
winclose, chest.legit.ahk
winclose, chest.rage.ahk
winclose, legs.legit.ahk
winclose, legs.rage.ahk
IfWinNotExist, head.legit.ahk
IfWinNotExist, head.rage.ahk
IfWinNotExist, chest.legit.ahk
IfWinNotExist, chest.rage.ahk
IfWinNotExist, legs.legit.ahk
IfWinNotExist, legs.rage.ahk
but when the checkbox = 1 the selected script run but when checkbox = 0 the selected script should close but the script wont close


Code: Select all

gui,add,text, c0583FD x1 y1, Select CS:GO recolution Width:
Gui, Add, DropDownList,x1 y15 w150 vVar1 , 1920||1440|1280|1152|1024|800
gui,add,text, c0583FD x1 y50, Select CS:GO recolution Height:
Gui, Add, DropDownList,x1 y65 w150 vVar2 , 1080||1024|960|864|768|600
gui,add,button, x60 y100 gselect, select
gui, show

Gui, Submit

#SingleInstance, Force
#KeyHistory, 0
#HotKeyInterval 1
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 127
SetKeyDelay,-1, -1
SetControlDelay, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SendMode, InputThenPlay
ListLines, Off
CoordMode, Pixel, screen
DllCall("QueryPerformanceFrequency", "Int64*", freq)
FlickBefore := 0
aim_key := "xbutton2" ;List of Keys:
game_sens := 0.31 ;Game sens
game_fov  := 103 ;Game fov
game_fps  := 84 ;Display refresh rate
;use this tool and set sensitivity and dpi to 1, then copy In/360 value
;Apex Legends: 16363.64
;CSGO: 16363.64
;Halo Infinite: 17454.6
full360 := 16363.64/game_sens ;Modify it to the value of the corresponding game
EMCol := 0x ;Enemy color
ColVn := 10 ;Variation
OffsetX := 0
OffsetY := 4
ZeroX := Floor(Var1  // 2) - OffsetX
ZeroY := Floor(Var2 // 2) - OffsetY
CFovX := deg2coord(2, game_fov, Var1, Var2) ;aimbot fov x. range: 0 ~ game_fov/2
CFovY := deg2coord(2, game_fov, Var1, Var2) ;aimbot fov y. range: 0 ~ game_fov/2
SpeedX := 0.13 ;aimbot speed. range: 0 ~ 1
SpeedY := 0.13 ;aimbot speed. range: 0 ~ 1
ScanL := ZeroX - CFovX
ScanT := ZeroY - CFovY
ScanR := ZeroX + CFovX
ScanB := ZeroY + CFovY
Loop {
    KeyWait, %aim_key%, D
    AimPixel := _PixelSearch(ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn)
    if (!ErrorLevel) {
        AimX := AimPixel[1] - ZeroX
        ,AimY := AimPixel[2] - ZeroY
        ,MoveX := Floor(coord2deg(AimX, game_fov, Var1, Var2) * (full360/360) * SpeedX)
        ,MoveY := Floor(coord2deg(AimY, game_fov, Var1, Var2) * (full360/360) * SpeedY)
        DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "Int64*", FlickAfter)
        if ((FlickAfter-FlickBefore)/freq*1000 >= 1000/game_fps) {
            DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "Int64*", FlickBefore)
            DllCall("mouse_event", "uint", 0x0001, "uint", MoveX, "uint", MoveY, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
;full360 test
DllCall("mouse_event", "uint", 0x0001, "uint", 6666, "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
_PixelSearch(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, ColorID, Variation:=0) {
    PixelSearch, OutputVarX, OutputVarY, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, ColorID, Variation, Fast RGB
    Return [OutputVarX, OutputVarY]
deg2rad(degrees) {
    return degrees * ((4*ATan(1)) / 180)
rad2deg(radians) {
    return radians * (180 / (4*ATan(1)))
coord2deg(delta, fov, winwidth, winheight) {
    ;lookAt := delta * 2 / winwidth
    ;return rad2deg(atan(lookAt*tan(deg2rad(fov*0.5)))) ;degrees
    return rad2deg(atan(((delta<<1)/winwidth)*tan(deg2rad(fov*0.5))))
deg2coord(delta, fov, winwidth, winheight) {
    return winwidth*0.5/tan(deg2rad(fov*0.5))*tan(deg2rad(delta))


why the script wont close when i uncheck the checkbox ? can u help me ?
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Re: winclose not working

03 Jul 2022, 06:39

How to debug a computer program?

You can start to debug this script as follows.
1. Write a separate three-line script demonstrating that you can close your target script.
2. In your main script, add a MsgBox just before the WinClose line. See if it appears.

The AHK documentation describes additional approaches to debugging, in case helpful.

In many situations, combining scripts is easier than trying to manage many concurrently running ones, especially if they are related.
Posts: 32
Joined: 10 May 2022, 10:50

Re: winclose not working

03 Jul 2022, 06:46

i added msgbox and yes it appears .... when i remove this from the head.legit.ahk

Code: Select all

gui,add,text, c0583FD x1 y1, Select CS:GO recolution Width:
Gui, Add, DropDownList,x1 y15 w150 vVar1 , 1920||1440|1280|1152|1024|800
gui,add,text, c0583FD x1 y50, Select CS:GO recolution Height:
Gui, Add, DropDownList,x1 y65 w150 vVar2 , 1080||1024|960|864|768|600
gui,add,button, x60 y100 gselect, select
gui, show

Gui, Submit
then it works so it needs to be something here blocking it
Posts: 32
Joined: 10 May 2022, 10:50

Re: winclose not working

03 Jul 2022, 06:49

+when i use this script :

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, AHKList, List, ahk_exe Autohotkey.exe
Loop, %AHKList%
	IF (A_ScriptHwnd <> ID := AHKList%A_Index%)
		WinClose, ahk_id %ID%
then it close the script, but it close every script running in background not only head.legit.ahk
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Re: winclose not working

03 Jul 2022, 06:58

So you are now getting somewhere. You can focus on your "head" script, simplifying, shortening, & re-testing it, to determine the specific issue.
Posts: 32
Joined: 10 May 2022, 10:50

Re: winclose not working

03 Jul 2022, 07:47

i have it

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