A script that allows the mouse button 4 and 5 to cycle through the Hotbar grids in Minecraft?

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A script that allows the mouse button 4 and 5 to cycle through the Hotbar grids in Minecraft?

07 Jun 2023, 21:09

I have tried

Code: Select all

; Minecraft Hotbar Cycling Script
; Use Mouse Button 4 and 5 to cycle through hotbar slots

#IfWinActive Minecraft ; Only enable the script when Minecraft is active

    HotbarCycle(-1) ; Cycle to the previous hotbar slot

    HotbarCycle(1) ; Cycle to the next hotbar slot

HotbarCycle(direction) {
    ControlGetFocus, currentControl, MinecraftWindowClass1
    If (currentControl = "Edit1") ; Ignore if typing in chat

    activeSlot := GetActiveHotbarSlot()
    newSlot := Mod(activeSlot + direction - 1, 9) + 1

    SendInput, {%newSlot% down}{%newSlot% up}

GetActiveHotbarSlot() {
    ControlGetFocus, currentControl, MinecraftWindowClass1
    If (currentControl = "Edit1") ; If typing in chat, assume slot 1 is active
        Return 0
    Else {
        StringGetPos, slotNumber, currentControl, Slot
        Return SubStr(currentControl, slotNumber + 4, 1)

#IfWinActive ; End context-sensitive Minecraft check
But it didn't work

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