trying to figure out a simple F5 toggle since tutorial seems a bit complicated.

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Joined: 21 Jul 2017, 13:20

trying to figure out a simple F5 toggle since tutorial seems a bit complicated.

21 Jul 2017, 13:38

Hallo! sorry, I've been reading different posts and stuff, though i am terrible with understand scripts. Basically my issue is that I'm trying to get my F5 key to toggle my assigned key with another set of scripts. errr, basically i want to press F5 then, it'll keep pressing the F4 key over and over and once untill i press F5 again, then it'll stop :). this is what I've made, though it doesn't work or anything, would be really glad if someone could help me correct this, and ill try to keep reading more on the tutorials.

Hotkey, $F4, toggle

loop, 1
MouseClick, Left
sleep, 100
send, {F1}
sleep, 10
send, {F1}
sleep, 10
send, {F1}
sleep, 300
MouseClick, Left
sleep, 10
MouseClick, Left
sleep, 50
MouseClick, Left
sleep, 10
MouseClick, Left
sleep, 300
send, {F2}
sleep, 10
send, {F2}
sleep, 10
send, {F2}
sleep, 300
MouseClick, Left
sleep, 10
MouseClick, Left
sleep, 100
MouseClick, Left
sleep, 10
MouseClick, Left
sleep, 500
send, {F3}
sleep, 700
send, {enter}
sleep 700


Sorry If it's messy, but thank you for helping me if ever you do! <3

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