Fortnite Scirpts Topic is solved

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Fortnite Scirpts

02 Jan 2018, 01:06

So basically, I want to make script that autodetects when the selected weapon is either 5 or 6 and then switch it to the opposite number after firing the weapon. For example, if I were on weapon 5, I want this script to switch to weapon 6 after I fire, and vice versa.

Code: Select all


PixelGetColor, condition, 1709, 919
PixelGetColor, condition1, 1801, 919

Sleep 50

if (condition = 0xFEFEEFE)
	Send, {6}
else if (condition1 = 0xFEFEEFE)
	Send, {5}
0xFEFEEFE is the color of the border and the two coordinates are the coordinates of the top left of the selected border. It doesnt work at all in game and I have no idea why... send help
Posts: 96
Joined: 12 Aug 2016, 05:22

Re: Fortnite Scirpts  Topic is solved

02 Jan 2018, 05:59

You should verify what color PixelGetColor is seeing if it is seeing anything at all. Also go if you check the documentation on PixelGetColor you'll see your request will never work because 0xFEFEEFE doesn't exist. The format is wrong please see

Code: Select all

PixelGetColor, condition, 1709, 919
PixelGetColor, condition1, 1801, 919
MsgBox, My Condition color is %condition%
MsgBox, My Condition1 color is %condition1%

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