Can someone help me to create a script? Topic is solved

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Can someone help me to create a script?

14 Feb 2018, 02:40

I have been trying to learn and make or edit some scripts for Warframe. Specifically the spin attack. I want to bind it to my mouse 5 button but it won't work. Any help is appreciated.
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Re: Can someone help me to create a script?  Topic is solved

14 Feb 2018, 14:18

Question: how do you do a spin attack in the game without a script? Exactly what key strokes, in what precise order and timing does that require? Answer those questions and perhaps someone can help you.
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history – with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.

Re: Can someone help me to create a script?

14 Feb 2018, 20:58

I'd also like to know how to do what OP wants.
To complete the action ingame one presses and holds left ctrl button then presses E while holding ctrl. The two are then released and the action would want to be repeated when pressed.
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Re: Can someone help me to create a script?

15 Feb 2018, 09:54

ok so according to the post...
To complete the action ingame one presses and holds left ctrl button then presses E while holding ctrl. The two are then released and the action would want to be repeated when pressed.
so to start the action i would pick a hotkey like alt-z for example...

Code: Select all

!z: ;<-hotkey to do a spin attack
	suspend on
	send {ctrl Down}E{Ctrl Up}
to bind this to mouse button 5 then .

Code: Select all

; this is a standard header i put on all my scripts...
#SingleInstance, Force
#MaxThreads, 100
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey, 2
SetBatchLines, -1
DetectHiddenWindows, On
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SetTitleMatchMode, slow
SetKeyDelay, 100,100
SetMouseDelay 10
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
SendMode Event

#UseHook, On

; any globals i need to  initialize go here

return ;<- explicit end of autoexecute section of script

!z:: ;<- just to have as a backup
XButton2:: ;<- should be mouse button 5
	suspend on
	send {ctrl Down}E{Ctrl Up} 
this code is untested
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history – with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.

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