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Help please to build a script for Resolve 14

Posted: 19 Mar 2018, 17:09
by Jack Decker
I am starting up a YouTube channel that will be focused on online poker tournaments. In the videos, I fast forward through my folded hands. I am using the free version of Blackmagic's DaVinci Resolve 14 ( ... ciresolve/) for editing. What I would LOVE is to have "Begin Speed-up" and "Stop Speed-up" buttons that do at least the following:

With video and audio tracks unlinked as well as "Retime Controls" turned on for the video track, the following is the commands I currently use to do a speed-up/down in Resolve 14.

1) Move play bar to point where I want to start speed-up.

Speed-up Start (these are the two steps I want the "Speed-up Start" button to do):
2) Left click on "100%" down arrow that appears on video track and add "Speed Point" to video track.
3) Using the razor blade icon, add a cut to audio track at the same point as the "Speed Point".

4) Move play bar to point where I want to end speed-up.

Speed-up Stop (these seven steps I want the "Speed-up Stop" button to do):
5) Using the razor blade icon, add a cut to the audio track.
6) Cut out audio track on the left.
7) Switch from razor icon to cursor icon.
8) Left click on "100%" down arrow that appears on video track and add "Speed Point" to video track.
9) Left click on "100%" down arrow that appears on video track to the left of the "Speed Point" and click on "Change Speed" and select "800%".
10) Grab play bar and move it just before speed-up ends.
11) Grab audio track and pull it to where the speed-up ends.

Now I am not sure that AHK can do the following. If it can, GREAT! Please tell me how.

What I would like to do is add a music track to the speed-up script. When I first start using it for a video, it asks for the music track I want to use. After I cut out any silence at the start and end of the music track, I then grab and pull it from the Media Import window to the speed-up script. Then it adds the music track to the speed-up. Where I end the speed up, it cuts the music track and then when I do the next speed-up, it starts using the music track from that cut point forward. When it runs out of music track, it simply uses another copy of the same music track and continues the process.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Help please to build a script for Resolve 14

Posted: 27 Mar 2018, 19:32
by Jack Decker
So a week and no reply. Is what I ask just not possible with AHK?