Roblox Auto Clicker

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Roblox Auto Clicker

15 Jun 2019, 11:49

So, I was wondering if there was a way that I could auto click on Roblox whilst being able to use my computer freely. I asked some other people on youtube and someone said that roblox uses relative positioning. So, is there any autoclickers or programs that would allow me to do so? Thanks.
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Joined: 15 Jun 2019, 10:57

Re: Roblox Auto Clicker

17 Jun 2019, 00:32

Im looking for a script that can click at least 10 times per second and want it to be possible to minimize out of the game and still have the clicker work in the game while im using the computer.
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Re: Roblox Auto Clicker

17 Jun 2019, 05:14

What you are asking for is possible. I've made a proof of concept script that you can modify as you see fit.

You will need to run both scripts at the same time for the proof of concept to work:

Clicker Counter Script:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
Count := 0
Gui, Font, S25, Bold 
Gui, Add, Text, VText X-50 Y5 W350 H40 +Center, %Count% 
Gui, Font, S14 W550, Arial 
Gui, Add, Button, GClick x12 y40 w225 h140, Click On Me!
Gui, Add, Button, GReset X12 y185 w225 h40, Reset Click Count
Gui, Add, Button, GExit x12 y230 w225 h40, Exit 
Gui, Show, w250 h290, Tester 
{	Count ++ 
	GuiControl, Text, Text, %Count% 
} Return 
{	Count := 0 
	GuiControl, Text, Text, %Count% 
} Return

Proof of concept script

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
F1:: ;Hotkey that starts the magic.
{	WinGet Win, MinMax, Tester ;Gets the status of the targeted window or game.
	IfEqual Win, 0, WinMinimize, Tester ;Minimize Testerwindow
	SetTimer, Clicker, 100 ;Turns on the timerloop. 100*10 = 1 second.
	SetTimer, 1sec, 1000 ;Turns on the timerloop. 1000 = 1 second.
} Return

{	IfWinExist, Tester
	{	WinGet Win, MinMax, Tester
		If (Win = -1) Or (Win = 1) Or (Win = 0) ;Makes sure if the window is Minimize/WinMaximize or somewhere in-between.
			ControlClick, x121 y79, Tester  ;The clicker command taht send the clicks to the targeted window.
			CountingClicks += 1 ;records each click
			If (CountingClicks = 10) ;When 10 clicks are sent it will trigger the code below.
				SetTimer, Clicker, OFF ;turns off the timerloop
				If (Win = -1) ;If WinMinimize
				{	IfEqual Win, -1, Winrestore, Tester ;Restores Tester Window from being Minimized.
				} CountingClicks := 0 ;resets the counder to 0
				MsgBox, 10 Clicks in 1 second ;Tells you when finished.
		SetTimer, Clicker, OFF
		MsgBox, Tester Window Not Found!
} Return
{	SoundBeep, 400, 50 ;Beeps after 1 second
	SetTimer, 1sec, Off
} Return
~Esc::ExitApp ;Kills the script
When you have both scrips running just hit F1 to begin.
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Joined: 15 Jun 2019, 10:57

Re: Roblox Auto Clicker

17 Jun 2019, 18:14

Oh damn, so it is possible. Would you be able to make the script for me by any chance or would it be too tedious to make. I don't know how to script or anything so that's why I'm asking on here.
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Re: Roblox Auto Clicker

21 Jun 2019, 07:23

Well, I don't play the game so I wouldn't be able to make it. However, if you're willing to learn, I do not mind helping you out.
This would be a good place to start if you are a complete beginner.

When you are ready, post your code and I'll see if I can help you.

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