Problem With Code Pixel Color

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Problem With Code Pixel Color

08 Aug 2019, 04:08

I am trying to use a code that I found here in the forum but I have the same problem of many users and without any help so far

this is a code:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
x40 := 1050
x75 := 1075
HealthY := 163

   If WinActive("Tibia")

      PixelGetColor, Check75, %x75%, %HealthY%
      PixelGetColor, Check40, %x40%, %HealthY%

      If (Check75 != 0x7D7DFF And Check40 != 0x7D7DFF)
         Send, {End}

      Else If (Check75 != 0x7D7DFF)
         Send, {PageDown}

   Sleep, 1000

The problem is that the code would be to press a key with a certain percentage of life.
but it ends up spamming the key even with a full life.
I've done several tests and I can't imagine why

this image shows the tibia life bar could someone help me?
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Re: Problem With Code Pixel Color

08 Aug 2019, 05:13

know that pixelgetcolor store the color ID in hexadecimal blue-green-red (BGR) format

your color id 0x7D7DFF
so you need to make sure that your hex color is in the same format (BGR or RGB)
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Re: Problem With Code Pixel Color

08 Aug 2019, 06:14

in case this script below is working perfectly, I managed to fix the pixelcolor
but I would like a script with option for 2 healers like this script above, could you help me? I tried to use the information from my script based on 1 healer, the problem is that the advanced script with 2 healers ends up spamming the key even with full life
Can you help me ?


#IfWinActive, Tibia
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
color:= 0
myszkaX:= 1281
myszkaY:= 143
PixelGetColor, color, %myszkaX%, %myszkaY%, RGB

if(color != 0xDB4F4F){
Send {F2}
Sleep, 200

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