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AutoHotKey Script not working with Minecraft

Posted: 08 Mar 2020, 17:10
by pythonmcpi
So I have a script for my most often used hotkeys.

I usually keep my Skype mic muted, except when I want to speak.
However, I didn't want to have to press Ctrl+M to mute and unmute.

So I added on to my script:

Code: Select all

SkypeMuteHotKeyEnabled = 0 ; 0 = false, 1 = true

^!F5::     ; Toggle the spacebar to mute hotkey
SkypeMuteHotKeyEnabled := NOT SkypeMuteHotKeyEnabled
if (SkypeMuteHotKeyEnabled = 1)
    MsgBox, Skype Mute HotKey is now enabled.
    MsgBox, Skype Mute HotKey is now disabled.

if (SkypeMuteHotKeyEnabled = 1)
    Send, ^m
if (SkypeMuteHotKeyEnabled = 0)
    Send, {Space}
This works fine when I type, but I cannot jump at all (jump is the spacebar) in Minecraft.
Jumping was working before I added on to the script, and suspending my hotkeys fixed the issue.
I am wondering if there is a way to fix this problem?

I know it might be something like {Space down} and {Space up} but I have no idea how to use them.

Please help!!!