Need help with a script to use skills on different cooldown

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Need help with a script to use skills on different cooldown

29 Mar 2020, 11:00


I downloaded autohotkey and after reading multiple post and guides I'm still lost in all this. I need help :).

I play Dungeon and Dragon Online (DDO). I want to put 3 of my skills on the same hotkey, but they are on different cooldown:

Stunning fist - key b - cooldown 6 sec
KudanDo - key h - cooldown 15 sec
Tomb of Jade - key n - cooldown 60 sec

I want a script that on the first press of the key (let's say the "e" key), will activate Stunning fist. On the second press it will either activate KudanDo if Stunning fist is on cooldown, or stunning fist if it's off cooldown. On the third press it would activate Tomb of Jade, or either the first 2 if they are off cooldown. After that it would reset. My goal is to have one key for those 3 skills and pressing it would activate the skill with the lowest cooldown that is offcooldown (I'm open to different scripts that would accomplish that).

Is it something that can be done? I'm a big newb so you can talk to me like I'm a child so I can understand :).


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