AHK Says that I am missing a closing braket on line 10

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Joined: 26 Dec 2020, 22:39

AHK Says that I am missing a closing braket on line 10

26 Dec 2020, 23:14

Code in question is here

Code: Select all


        Sleep, 100
        Loop, 12
            /* reload page to join the VIP server */
            Sendinput, {^r}

            	/* check if that start button has appeared, if so, start the game */
                target := 0x1780B5
                MouseMove, 969, 876
                MouseMove, 968, 876
                PixelGetColor, startbutton, 971, 876
                Sleep, 500
            Until startbutton = %target%


            /* Move towards starting area */
            Send, {a down}
            Sleep, 50
            Send, {e}
            Sleep, 250
            Send, {a up}
            Send, {s down}
            Sleep, 200
            Send, {s up}
ahkbin link as well: https://p.ahkscript.org/?p=474bb910

Sorry if this question was very basic, I am just starting out.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2020, 16:21

Re: AHK Says that I am missing a closing braket on line 10

27 Dec 2020, 00:35

/* reload page to join the VIP server */

Was causing the issue. In the future you can use ; to comment out lines. Probably remove the other ones too in case you get the same error again.

; This lime will be commented out so you can type whatever.
MouseMove, 969, 876 ; Putting it after code will make everything after it a comment on this line.
MouseMove, 968, 876 ; Putting it after code will make everything after it a comment on this line.

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