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Elegant Single Scripauto keypresser for Bloon TD 6?

Posted: 25 Jul 2021, 04:28
by hexdragon

So I'm playing Bloon TD6 and I want to automate ability uses (which are on the numbers). So I started using multiple similar scripts:

Code: Select all

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
	While toggle{
		Send 1
		Sleep 1000
I tried making it so only one script runs but when I try to stack these the script simply cannot press 2 differnet keys periodically. Is there a way to make all the autokeyboard pressign into one single scrip file. For example if I press F5 then F6 then F7, the keys 1,2,3 get autopressed every few seconds.

Also is there a way to make a script stop if the window which it started on looses focus? It would be really nice if there was a solution for that.

Wish you all a nice day!

Re: Elegant Single Scripauto keypresser for Bloon TD 6?

Posted: 25 Jul 2021, 07:17
by mikeyww

Code: Select all

map := {F5: 1, F6: 2}, list := {}

If list[A_ThisHotkey]
Else list[A_ThisHotkey] := WinActive("A")
SetTimer, Go, % list.Count() ? 250 : "Off"

For key, uid in list
 If WinActive("A") = uid
  Send % map[key]
 Else SetTimer,, % ("Off", list := {})