Toggle aim script not working in deus ex mankind divided

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Toggle aim script not working in deus ex mankind divided

20 Sep 2021, 05:35

I had a toggle script a very kind user helped me set up here viewtopic.php?f=18&t=93151 but in Deus ex mankind divided It doesn't work properly. When I press RMB it activates and aims in game but then instantly unaims but the button is technically still being held down because I still need to press once to untoggle. Anyone have a solution to fix this and why its happening when the script works on desktop and in other games?
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Re: Toggle aim script not working in deus ex mankind divided

20 Sep 2021, 05:50

Since your script works, the issue might be how your specific game is responding to it. You could see tips for games.

It seems to me that your RButton Up routine does not have any impact on what is happening in this specific script.

KeyHistory can help you verify what is happening with the keys.

It's also possible that your game is attempting to block cheaters! It's possible that the game looks to see whether your key is physically held.

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