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Need help creating a GUI script

Posted: 26 Oct 2021, 00:00
by fireant101
So here's the rundown I'm playing a game that does not display the cooldowns of abilities when used. That being I was wondering if anybody could make or point me in the direction of a script ill give the specifics below

So my idea is a small box GUI labeled for each move on the side of my screen that turns red and displays a cooldown timer when an ability is used - example Dagger throw has a 15-second cooldown and the key to use the ability is 3 so when I press 3 and left click the GUI labeled "dagger throw" starts ticking down from 15 to 0 implying the ability is off cooldown.

Seeing as I have little to no scripting knowledge it would be great if somebody could help me out

Also, this is kinda what I'm referring to