Remap Joystick Hat to Send Multiple Arrow Keys

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Remap Joystick Hat to Send Multiple Arrow Keys

26 Nov 2021, 15:31

Greetings friends!

I am trying to remap my joystick hat to send multiple arrow key presses based on its current position. I want it to hit a key only once (regardless of how long I hold it down), wait a short duration (maybe 100 ms), then hit another key.

Fifth attempt: this is a bad workaround that gets some of the functionality I want but it continues to loop the Up press if I hold down the hat left or right too long. Unfortunately, the KeyWait function doesn't work with non-button aspects of joysticks or I could time it to the position of the hat itself.

Code: Select all

#Persistent  ; Keep this script running until the user explicitly exits it.
SetTimer, WatchPOV, 5

POV := GetKeyState("JoyPOV")  ; Get position of the POV control.
KeyToHoldDownPrev := KeyToHoldDown  ; Prev now holds the key that was down before (if any).

if POV between 4501 and 13500  ; Right
   SendInput {Up down}
   Sleep 150
   SendInput {Up up}
   KeyToHoldDown := "Right"
else if POV between 22500 and 31500 ; Left
   SendInput {Up down}
   Sleep 150
   SendInput {Up up}
   KeyToHoldDown := "Left"
else if (POV > 13500) && (POV < 22500)
   KeyToHoldDown := ""
else if (POV < 0)
   KeyToHoldDown := ""

if (KeyToHoldDown = KeyToHoldDownPrev)  ; The correct key is already down (or no key is needed).
    return  ; Do nothing.

; Otherwise, release the previous key and press down the new key:
SetKeyDelay 0  ; Avoid delays between keystrokes.
if KeyToHoldDownPrev   ; There is a previous key to release.
    Send, {%KeyToHoldDownPrev% up}  ; Release it.
if KeyToHoldDown   ; There is a key to press down.
    Send, {%KeyToHoldDown% down}  ; Press it down.
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Re: Remap Joystick Hat to Send Multiple Arrow Keys

28 Nov 2021, 07:09

I cannot test this, but the things I would try first would be to eliminate your key delay command, and change your timer frequency to 250. If the script works at that point, you have a starting point from which to adjust it. You could even first eliminate your timer, and see if a single iteration, or just 2-3 iterations, provide the intended effect. I would also check the values of your variables along the way. You can display them so that you understand what they are.

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