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Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 24 May 2016, 10:44
by Ruevil2
Update 4.5

Fixed pathing error for custom league install locations
Fixed date error where sales were ending a day too early

Works in Progress:
Chat toggle for hotkeys - Smartcast toggle disabled until this is solved
EZ AA animation canceling
Auto Laugh/Taunt/Mastery spam

Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 24 May 2016, 13:41
by Chichigami
Yea that fixed it, it was in my other drive thx :D

Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 24 May 2016, 14:00
by Ruevil2
Chichigami wrote:Yea that fixed it, it was in my other drive thx :D
No problem. I realized I had made a small change without changing a few other spots to match. :)

Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 27 May 2016, 22:35
by Chichigami
Dunno if you know about this bug, but if you change an account detail (user and pass) when the script is loaded, and then reload the script it will default back to the old account
ie: user=abc pass=123 -> user=dcf pass=456. RELOAD. user=dcf pass=456 -> user=abc pass=123.
was confused when I thought i was tripping out but wasn't LOL

Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 28 May 2016, 11:10
by randomguy9472
Chichigami wrote:Dunno if you know about this bug, but if you change an account detail (user and pass) when the script is loaded, and then reload the script it will default back to the old account
ie: user=abc pass=123 -> user=dcf pass=456. RELOAD. user=dcf pass=456 -> user=abc pass=123.
was confused when I thought i was tripping out but wasn't LOL
That behavior is intentional: ... 935#p80935

Though perhaps there's a better way to implement it so that it doesn't overwrite changes you make and only adds the new hotkeys?

Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 29 May 2016, 19:44
by Ruevil2
randomguy9472 wrote:
Chichigami wrote:Dunno if you know about this bug, but if you change an account detail (user and pass) when the script is loaded, and then reload the script it will default back to the old account
ie: user=abc pass=123 -> user=dcf pass=456. RELOAD. user=dcf pass=456 -> user=abc pass=123.
was confused when I thought i was tripping out but wasn't LOL
That behavior is intentional: ... 935#p80935

Though perhaps there's a better way to implement it so that it doesn't overwrite changes you make and only adds the new hotkeys?
The behavior is intentional. It is the background structure to add a GUI for settings changes in the future but honestly it is a bit of a back burner piece at the moment. I just bought a house and am in the middle of moving this weekend so hopefully there will be updates soon!

On an unfortunate note. The location of my house has crappy internet options, satellite only, so the lag may become too great for me to continue playing. We will see my friends. Until then, game on and never surrender.

Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 30 May 2016, 11:06
by akumetsu
Ruevil2 wrote:
That behavior is intentional: ... 935#p80935

Though perhaps there's a better way to implement it so that it doesn't overwrite changes you make and only adds the new hotkeys?
The behavior is intentional. It is the background structure to add a GUI for settings changes in the future but honestly it is a bit of a back burner piece at the moment. I just bought a house and am in the middle of moving this weekend so hopefully there will be updates soon!

On an unfortunate note. The location of my house has crappy internet options, satellite only, so the lag may become too great for me to continue playing. We will see my friends. Until then, game on and never surrender.[/quote]

Keep it the good work mate, you're givin much to this community. In others words; i sent u a PM; check when u can men.


Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 30 May 2016, 13:50
by Chichigami

Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 10:28
by Ruevil2
Thank you guys! Setup had to be scheduled for next week so fingers crossed.

Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 15 Jun 2016, 10:31
by Ruevil2
Well internet setup went well and I have good bandwidth, unfortunately the best ping I can hope for is around 600-700ms! It's pretty rough and honestly will probably decrease my playtime although I could see myself getting used to it(managed to get most kills/dmg in an ARAM last night despite the lag). We will see what happens with the script, it isn't the only thing I use AHK for so I will definitely be around in the future. Let me know what you guys think and if you don't mind playing with a laggy wood leaguer let me know.

Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 23:25
by randomguy9472
Oh jeez. Even when I was on crappy centurylink I never went over 100ms. 600 sounds like a nightmare... O.o Sure you could get used to it though with enough practice. If you're closer to the eastern/southern end of the US, you could always try the LAN servers? You might get marginally better ping. Is your connection stable though? No packet loss , lag spikes in game, etc? I've never tried satellite internet before.

Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 13 Aug 2016, 08:14
by akumetsu
randomguy9472 wrote:Oh jeez. Even when I was on crappy centurylink I never went over 100ms. 600 sounds like a nightmare... O.o Sure you could get used to it though with enough practice. If you're closer to the eastern/southern end of the US, you could always try the LAN servers? You might get marginally better ping. Is your connection stable though? No packet loss , lag spikes in game, etc? I've never tried satellite internet before.
I agree with this, you could move to LAN servers and have better pings to try out.

Let me know if you need an acc on that server to test.

Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 16 Aug 2016, 00:27
by randomguy9472
akumetsu wrote:I agree with this, you could move to LAN servers and have better pings to try out.

Let me know if you need an acc on that server to test.
My friend got about 20ms better ping on the LAN servers before the NA server migrated to Chicago. He played on there instead quite frequently.

Re: League Tools V4.5 - 05-24-16

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 10:27
by Ruevil2
Well turns out despite not getting many games in. I just can't stop watching the pros and this script has become a bit of a pet project to me as well. So there is a major update coming... Soon... There is a major new piece that I want to add before the next release, but so far all my attempts will very quickly exceed the rate limit for any single one api key. If anyone wants to help out with this problem, PM me and I can explain the circumstances. I don't want to make promises here I don't keep.

Also, would everyone who uses the script let me know which tools they find to be the most useful. Some of the experimental in-game features are being dropped due to the amount of time it takes for me to bug test every feature without quitting games and getting bans.

Note: I just noticed is no longer active and that is where champ and skin sales were drawn from. Source has been changed to Riot official website in the next update.

Re: League Tools V5.0 - 09-13-16

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 12:49
by Ruevil2
V5.0 Changelog:

75% Rewrite

API calls Objectified(JSON -> AHK obj)
Champion and Skin sales moved to Riot official webpage due to shutdown
Adjusted for error in INI saving/loading causing empty vars
API call data and images saved to disk to avoid long loading time, especially on a slow connection

Smartcast Toggle - removed
Irritator - removed

Re: League Tools V5.0 - 09-13-16

Posted: 19 Sep 2016, 14:57
by Osi

You have made a great job !
You have made great improvements !

First of all, about the options Smartcast Toggle and Irritator, i dont use it too, i think it's good to remove it.
For the sales, it can be good idea to add the price in RP to the name of the skin. (You forestall me, i wanted report the shutdown :D )

Recently i have add also a "Ping Test", it can indicate if my ping is good or not.
Here is the topic about this :

(u can test it directly)

Code: Select all

Ping4(Addr, ByRef Result := "", Timeout := 1024) {
   Static WSADATAsize := (2 * 2) + 257 + 129 + (2 * 2) + (A_PtrSize - 2) + A_PtrSize
   OrgAddr := Addr
   Result := ""
   VarSetCapacity(WSADATA, WSADATAsize, 0)
   If (Err := DllCall("Ws2_32.dll\WSAStartup", "UShort", 0x0202, "Ptr", &WSADATA, "Int")) {
      ErrorLevel := "WSAStartup failed with error " . Err
      Return ""
   If !RegExMatch(Addr, "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$") { ; Addr contains a name
      If !(HOSTENT := DllCall("Ws2_32.dll\gethostbyname", "AStr", Addr, "UPtr")) {
         DllCall("Ws2_32.dll\WSACleanup") ; Terminate the use of the Winsock 2 DLL
         ErrorLevel := "gethostbyname failed with error " . DllCall("Ws2_32.dll\WSAGetLastError", "Int")
         Return ""
      PAddrList := NumGet(HOSTENT + 0, (2 * A_PtrSize) + 4 + (A_PtrSize - 4), "UPtr")
      PIPAddr   := NumGet(PAddrList + 0, 0, "UPtr")
      Addr := StrGet(DllCall("Ws2_32.dll\inet_ntoa", "UInt", NumGet(PIPAddr + 0, 0, "UInt"), "UPtr"), "CP0")
   INADDR := DllCall("Ws2_32.dll\inet_addr", "AStr", Addr, "UInt") ; convert address to 32-bit UInt
      ErrorLevel := "inet_addr failed for address " . Addr
      Return ""
   ; Terminate the use of the Winsock 2 DLL
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   HMOD := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "Iphlpapi.dll", "UPtr")
   Err := ""
   If (HPORT := DllCall("Iphlpapi.dll\IcmpCreateFile", "UPtr")) { ; open a port
      REPLYsize := 32 + 8
      VarSetCapacity(REPLY, REPLYsize, 0)
      If DllCall("Iphlpapi.dll\IcmpSendEcho", "Ptr", HPORT, "UInt", INADDR, "Ptr", 0, "UShort", 0
                                            , "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &REPLY, "UInt", REPLYsize, "UInt", Timeout, "UInt") {
         Result := {}
         Result.InAddr := OrgAddr
         Result.IPAddr := StrGet(DllCall("Ws2_32.dll\inet_ntoa", "UInt", NumGet(Reply, 0, "UInt"), "UPtr"), "CP0")
         Result.RTTime := NumGet(Reply, 8, "UInt")
         Err := "IcmpSendEcho failed with error " . A_LastError
      DllCall("Iphlpapi.dll\IcmpCloseHandle", "Ptr", HPORT)
      Err := "IcmpCreateFile failed to open a port!"
   DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Ptr", HMOD)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   If (Err) {
      ErrorLevel := Err
      Return ""
   ErrorLevel := 0
   Return Result.RTTime

RTT := Ping4("", Result)
	If (ErrorLevel)
   		MsgBox, 16, Ping, Error:`r`n%ErrorLevel%
   		MsgBox, 0, Ping, % "You ping : " . Result.RTTime . "`r`n"
I add a option in the menu to estimate my ping in game.

Then, i think it can be great to add a checkbox in the menu, to launch a game in a group or alone.

Code: Select all

	If A_ThisMenuItem = Solo
		Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Solo
		Menu, Tray, Rename, Solo, Group
		sGroupe = 1
	else If A_ThisMenuItem = Group
		Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Group
		Menu, Tray, Rename, Group, Solo
		sGroupe = 0

	if sGroupe = 1 
		MouseMove, (w*.73),(h*.88)
		MouseClick, left, (w*.73),(h*.88),,0
		Sleep, 100
		MouseMove, (w*.62),(h*.88)
		MouseClick, left, (w*.62),(h*.88),,0
		Sleep, 100
After, you can also add a "PickToCall" selection. When u accept the game, the script will say in the chat the lane u want to choose and pick ur champion (thank to the search fields).
Here is the selection of the champion and the lane.

Code: Select all

	myvar = Actif
	Gui, -Caption
	Gui, font, s12 white

	Gui, Add, Text, x458 y6 gclose, x
	ChampionListURL =
	global ChampCount
    WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    WebRequest.Open("GET", ChampionListURL)
    str := WebRequest.ResponseText(), ComObjError(0)
	StringReplace, str, str, `",,All	;"
	StringReplace, str, str, `,, %A_Space%,All
	StringReplace, str, str, name, name, UseErrorLevel
	ChampCount := ErrorLevel
	Pos = 1
	Loop, %ChampCount%
		Pos := (RegExMatch(str, "name:(.*?)\stitle:", Champs, Pos)) + 2
		If Champs1 contains Yi
				Champs1 = Maitre Yi
		If A_Index = 1
			NameList = %Champs1%
			NameList = %NameList%|%Champs1%
	Sort, NameList, D`|

	Gui, Add, Picture, x50 y50 +BackgroundTrans vMyPicture , ChampIcon\Sona.png
	gui, Add, ComboBox, vthisVar w140 r10 gAC, %NameList%
	Gui, Add, Text, x250 y70, Lane : 
	gui, Add, Edit, vthatVar r4
	gui, add, button, xp-50 yp+90 gDone, OK

	Gui, Show, w500 h340

PostMessage, 0xA1, 2,,, A 

GuiControl,, MyPicture, ChampIcon\%thisVar%.png
StringLower, thisVar, thisVar

Gui Destroy

	gui, destroy
	herochoose := thisVar
	lanechoose := thatVar


Gui, Destroy

	GuiControl,, MyPicture, ChampIcon\%thisVar%.png

;AutoComplete SectionBot adc

static lf = "`n" 
If GetKeyState("Delete") or GetKeyState("Backspace") 
SetControlDelay, -1
SetWinDelay, -1 
GuiControlGet, h, Hwnd, %ctrl% 
ControlGet, haystack, List, , , ahk_id %h% 
GuiControlGet, needle, , %ctrl% 
StringMid, text, haystack, pos := InStr(lf . haystack, lf . needle) 
, InStr(haystack . lf, lf, false, pos) - pos 
If text !=
if pos != 0
ControlSetText, , %text%, ahk_id %h% 
ControlSend, , % "{Right " . StrLen(needle) . "}+^{End}", ahk_id %h% 
Of course, it's available only if the game is a blind game. :)

Yes , I still have something to say. U can also add the free champ of the week. For that, i enlarge the icon of these champions in the guide list.

Code: Select all

	global ChampCount
	GameURL =
    WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    WebRequest.Open("GET", GameURL)
    str := WebRequest.ResponseText(), ComObjError(0)
	StringReplace, str, str, `",,All	;"
	StringReplace, str, str, `,, %A_Space%,All
	StringReplace, str, str, id, id, UseErrorLevel
	ChampCount := ErrorLevel
	Pos = 1
	Loop, %ChampCount%
		Sleep 50
		Pos := (RegExMatch(str, "id:(.*?)\sactive:", Champs, Pos)) + 2
		If (A_Index = 1)
			ChampName := GetChampById(Champs1,apikey)
			NameList = %ChampName%
			ChampName := GetChampById(Champs1,apikey)
			NameList = %NameList%|%ChampName%
		StringReplace, ChampName, ChampName, Cho'Gath, Chogath
		StringReplace, ChampName, ChampName, Dr. Mundo, DrMundo
		StringReplace, ChampName, ChampName, Jarvan IV, JarvanIV
		StringReplace, ChampName, ChampName, Fiddlesticks, FiddleSticks
		StringReplace, ChampName, ChampName, LeBlanc, Leblanc
		StringReplace, ChampName, ChampName, Kha'Zix, Khazix
		StringReplace, ChampName, ChampName, Kog'Maw, KogMaw
		StringReplace, ChampName, ChampName, Rek'Sai, RekSai
		StringReplace, ChampName, ChampName, Vel'Koz, Velkoz
	Sort, NameList, D`|
	return NameList

And on the guide :
	If FreeChamp contains %champname%
		Menu, GuideMenu, Icon, %champname%, %A_ScriptDir%\ChampIcon\%champname%.png,,35
		Menu, GuideMenu, Icon, %champname%, %A_ScriptDir%\ChampIcon\%champname%.png,,20
To conclude, the game stats is a good idea, i also make one for the top 5 best champ of the summoner in my game.

Keep on going ur job, it's amazing !

Notice : It's Osimodas, i changed my account to Osi, it's shorter. I'm always French, so sorry for the English :angel:

Re: League Tools V5.0 - 09-13-16

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 13:24
by Ruevil2
Well guys, over the weekend I discovered some good news! I have found a way to lower my ping enough to play again! So I will be continuing this project into the foreseeable future.

This script is two years old now and I hope to be adding some more features in the near future.

I really like the improvements you have made. I hope you don't mind that I add them into the script. I would like to see your code about the top 5 best champs in game sometime! Do you retrieve any other stats?

As always, fight hard and never surrender.

Re: League Tools V5.0 - 09-13-16

Posted: 29 Sep 2016, 04:26
by Osi

In term of statistics, it's possible to do a lot of things :

- Check if a player is in game or not (display the different players of the game)
- Top 5 champions of a player
- Counters of a champion (where we choose Draft)
- WinRate, Banrate of a champion
- Information about a summoner (rank, rank for last seasons,last game)

Here is the code for the top 5 champions for a summoner :

Code: Select all

Key := 72f7888e-0a65-4f90-aeea-c08f3ae1a6bf
IDSummoner := 65622644

	global ChampCount
	MasteriesURL =
	WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	WebRequest.Open("GET", MasteriesURL)
	str := WebRequest.ResponseText(), ComObjError(0)
	StringReplace, str, str, `",,All	;"
	StringReplace, str, str, `,, %A_Space%,All
	StringReplace, str, str, championLevel, championLevel, UseErrorLevel
	ChampCount := ErrorLevel
	Pos = 1
	Loop, %ChampCount%
		Sleep 50
		Pos := (RegExMatch(str, "championId:(.*?)\schampionLevel:", Champs, Pos)) + 2
		MyCustomName := GetChampById(Champs1,Key)
		Pos := (RegExMatch(str, "championLevel:(.*?)\schampionPoints:", Champs, Pos)) + 2
		MyLevel := Champs1
		Pos := (RegExMatch(str, "championPoints:(.*?)\slastPlayTime:", Champs, Pos)) + 2
		MyPoints := Champs1
		If (A_Index = 1)
			NameList = %MyCustomName%]%MyLevel%]%MyPoints%
			NameList = %NameList%|%MyCustomName%]%MyLevel%]%MyPoints%
	return NameList

	global ChampCount
	GameURL =
	WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	WebRequest.Open("GET", GameURL)
	str := WebRequest.ResponseText(), ComObjError(0)
	StringReplace, str, str, `",,All	;"
	StringReplace, str, str, `,, %A_Space%,All
	StringReplace, str, str, name, name, UseErrorLevel
	ChampCount := ErrorLevel
	Pos = 1
	Loop, %ChampCount%
		Pos := (RegExMatch(str, "name:(.*?)\stitle:", Champs, Pos)) + 2
		NameList = %Champs1%
	Return NameList

MyCust := GetMasteriesSumm(IDSummoner,Key)
If MyCust
	StringSplit, Count, MyCust, |
	Loop % Count0
		Champ := Count%A_Index%
		ChampNumber := A_Index
		StringSplit, MyCount, Champ, ]
		Loop % MyCount0
			If (A_Index = 1)
			nameofchamp%ChampNumber% := MyCount%A_Index%
			If (A_Index = 2)
			lvlchamp%ChampNumber% := MyCount%A_Index%
			If (A_Index = 3)
				pointofchamp%ChampNumber% := MyCount%A_Index%
				myvar = Actif		


	Gui Add, Picture, x18 y3 w120 h120, %A_ScriptDir%\ChampIcon\%nameofchamp1%.png
	Gui Add, Picture, x152 y3 w120 h120, %A_ScriptDir%\ChampIcon\%nameofchamp2%.png
	Gui Add, Picture, x285 y3 w120 h120, %A_ScriptDir%\ChampIcon\%nameofchamp3%.png
	Gui Add, Picture, x419 y3 w120 h120, %A_ScriptDir%\ChampIcon\%nameofchamp4%.png
	Gui Add, Picture, x554 y3 w120 h120, %A_ScriptDir%\ChampIcon\%nameofchamp5%.png
	Gui Font, s10 Bold1
	Gui Add, Text, x29 y124 w120 h23 +0x200, Masteries %lvlchamp1%
	Gui Font
	Gui Font, s10 Bold
	Gui Add, Text, x160 y124 w120 h23 +0x200, Masteries %lvlchamp2%
	Gui Font
	Gui Font, s10 Bold
	Gui Add, Text, x289 y124 w120 h23 +0x200, Masteries %lvlchamp3%
	Gui Font
	Gui Font, s10 Bold
	Gui Add, Text, x423 y124 w120 h23 +0x200, Masteries %lvlchamp4%
	Gui Font
	Gui Font, s10 Bold
	Gui Add, Text, x555 y124 w120 h23 +0x200, Masteries %lvlchamp5%
	Gui Font
	Gui Add, Text, x30 y144 w77 h23 +0x200, Points %pointofchamp1% 
	Gui Add, Text, x168 y145 w77 h23 +0x200, Points %pointofchamp2%
	Gui Add, Text, x299 y142 w77 h23 +0x200, Points %pointofchamp3%
	Gui Add, Text, x432 y144 w77 h23 +0x200, Points %pointofchamp4%
	Gui Add, Text, x566 y144 w77 h23 +0x200, Points %pointofchamp5%
	Gui Show, w692 h179, Top 5 champions


This is an example, i set my SummonerId at first. Then, i create a function to return the name of the champion with his ID.
Then , i can display all of the champion with the masteries and the points.
(Sorry, im in EUW so it can doesn't work with your summoner)

Also, it's possible to add a option to create a bot game and a custom game.

Note : It can be great to add a variable for the current version of Lol thanks to : ... 8f3ae1a6bf
With this, the icon of new champion can be added automatically.

Keek doing your amazing job ! :bravo:


Re: League Tools V5.1 - 11-04-16

Posted: 04 Nov 2016, 11:46
by Ruevil2

Free champion icons now larger
Small tweaks to tooltips
Added account selected checkmark
Added Group/Solo option
Champion sales now shows: Original price -> Sale price (in rp)

Re: League Tools V5.2 - 11-09-16

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 23:45
by Ruevil2
Changelog: v5.2

Added Pro streamers, makes 1 call to Twitch API and 1 call to Azubu API, 5min update interval