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Multiboxing WoW with PIP Window on left

Posted: 04 Jan 2019, 21:40
by curlyp
Hello All,

I found the script archived World of Warcraft Multiboxing script made by Elemeno. ... ltiboxing/

The script works great. When I run the script with 2 accounts, the slave (WoW2) PIP window is in the bottom right corner of my screen. I would like to move the PIP window to the bottom left corner of my screen. I looked through the code, but I don't understand code enough to know what I need to edit the PIP window. Is there someone that could help me?

By the way, if someone has an updated script that is more current and would like to share it, I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!


Code: Select all

;Elemeno's Keycloner for World of Warcraft
;Current Version 01/07/2013.1
;Some code inspired by other people from the AHK community
;Feel free to use / modify this code as needed
;To close the program use <CTRL>+<SHIFT>+C at anytime
;Press 'Pause' to temporarily suspend the program
;To Use:
; -Log into WoW with 2 separate windows.
; -Start the program
; -Pressing <Shift> and F1 will load Camera Setup #1 [Window #1 Maximized, Window #2 25% of screen in bottom left corner]
; -Pressing <Shift> and F2 will load Camera Setup #2 [Window #1 75% of screen top left, Window #2 25% of screen in bottom left corner]
; -Pressing F1 will make Window #1 the primary window
; -Pressing F2 will make Window #2 the primary window
; -Pressing <Scroll Lock> will reload the script
; Special Warcraft Setup:
; This script works heavily dependant on certain macros you have
; set up with keybinds in your respective warcraft windows.
; Your two characters should be able to jump and activate the standard
; shortcut keys but will have a hard time getting around. You will need
; to set up some /follow macros, and their is no one *correct* way to do it.
; Search the web, forums, etc.. and you will have different people having their
; own preferences. I will provide a limited amount below to perform basic
; functions / tasks on your two characters.
; Basic Setup:
; For Wow Instance #1 [Your main character]
; - Unbind your arrow movement keys
; For WoW Instance #2 [Your secondary character]
; - Unbind your standard movement keys Q,W,E,A,S,D
; - Bind the movement keys to the arrow keys
; - Set up a macro / keybind to the letter 'G' to read the following:
; 		/target nameofmaincharacter (where 'nameofmaincharacter' is the name of your main character)
; 		/focus
; 		/follow nameofmaincharacter
; 		/petfollow nameofmaincharacter
; 		/target focustarget
; The purpose of this is to allow your second character to always have your
; main as the focus, and will always be targeting what you are targeting.
; If your main toon selects a new target and want your secondary toons target
; to get updated, just press 'G' again. I just prefer 'G'. You can make this
; whatever you want.
; The Basic setup will allow your secondary character to have a /follow and /target
; bound to one single key, and allow you to make minor running adjustments by way
; of the arrow keys. QWEASD control player #1, UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT arrow keys
; will control player #2 [they must be bound properly in your wow keybindings

;********************** Top of Script *********************

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
hotkey, ^+c, close
onexit, close
SetBatchLines, -1
windowstyle := 2
WinGet, wowid, List, World of Warcraft
IfWinExist, ahk_id %wowid1% and winexist ahk_id %wowid2%
	gosub, winrestore
	gosub, alwaysontopoff
	winmaximize, ahk_id %wowid1%
	w1a := A_ScreenWidth * .75
	h1a := A_ScreenHeight * .75
	w2a := A_ScreenWidth * .25
	h2a := A_ScreenHeight * .25
	winmove, ahk_id %wowid1%, ,0,0,%w1a%,%h1a%	
	WinGetPos, x1, y1, w1, h1, ahk_id %wowid1%
	gosub, winrestore
	winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,%w1%,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%
	windowstyle := 1
	winmaximize, ahk_id %wowid1%
	winset, alwaysontop, on, ahk_id %wowid2%
	TrayTip , , Elemeno's Keycloner Loaded, 3, 1
	winactivate, ahk_id %wowid1%
 msgbox, 16, Elemeno's Dual Boxing Keycloner, Please make sure you have both World of Warcraft windows open and running before starting.
; Asks the user which window they want to be the main
msgbox, 4, Elemeno's Dual Boxing Keycloner, `nDo you want the large window to be your main window?,
ifmsgbox, Yes
ifmsgbox, No
gosub, alwaysontopoff
switch1 = %wowid1%
switch2 = %wowid2%
wowid1 := switch2
wowid2 := switch1
winmaximize, ahk_id %wowid1%
winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,%w1%,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%
winset, alwaysontop, on, ahk_id %wowid2%
TrayTip , , Picture In Picture, 3, 1
winactivate, ahk_id %wowid1%

;******************* MENU INFORMATION *************************
Menu, tray, add, Window Style #1 [PiP], window1  ; Creates a new menu item.
Menu, tray, add, Window Style #2 [Split View], window2
Menu, tray, add, Window Style #3 [Maximized], window3

menu, tray, tip,  Elemeno's Dual Boxing Keycloner
;**************** START OF ALL THE HOTKEYS ******************
~Pause:: ; Pauses the script
Suspend, Toggle
if A_IsSuspended = 1
ToolTip, Elemeno's Dual Boxing Keycloner Suspended, A_ScreenWidth/2, A_ScreenHeight/2, 1
TrayTip, Elemeno's Dual Boxing Keycloner, SUSPENDED, 1, 1
soundplay, *63
if A_IsSuspended = 0
ToolTip, , 0, 0, 1
TrayTip, Elemeno's Dual Boxing Keycloner, RUNNING, 5, 1
soundplay, *64
~ScrollLock:: ; ScrollLock reloads the current script.
~F1:: ; Sets your defined primary window the the foreground
gosub, alwaysontopoff
if windowstyle = 1
gosub, winrestore
winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,%w1%,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%
winmaximize, ahk_id %wowid1%
winset, alwaysontop, on, ahk_id %wowid2%
TrayTip , , WINDOW #1 [MAIN], 3, 1
winactivate, ahk_id %wowid1%
if windowstyle = 2
gosub, winrestore
winmove, ahk_id %wowid1%, ,0,0,%w1a%,%h1a%
winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,%w1%,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%
TrayTip , , WINDOW #1 [MAIN], 3, 1
winactivate, ahk_id %wowid1%
if windowstyle = 3
winmaximize, ahk_id %wowid1%
winminimize, ahk_id %wowid2%
TrayTip , , WINDOW #1 [MAIN], 3, 1
winactivate, ahk_id %wowid1%
~F2:: ; Sets your defined secondary window the the foreground
gosub, alwaysontopoff
if windowstyle = 1
gosub, winrestore
winmove, ahk_id %wowid1%, ,%w1%,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%
winmaximize, ahk_id %wowid2%
winset, alwaysontop, on, ahk_id %wowid1%
TrayTip , , WINDOW #2, 3, 1
winactivate, ahk_id %wowid2%
if windowstyle = 2
gosub, winrestore
winmove, ahk_id %wowid1%, ,%w1%,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%
winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,0,0,%w1a%,%h1a%
TrayTip , , WINDOW #2, 3, 1
winactivate, ahk_id %wowid2%
if windowstyle = 3
winmaximize, ahk_id %wowid2%
winminimize, ahk_id %wowid1%
TrayTip , , WINDOW #2 [MAIN], 3, 1
winactivate, ahk_id %wowid2%
~+F1:: ; Loads Window Profile #1
gosub, alwaysontopoff
gosub, winrestore
windowstyle := 1
winmaximize, ahk_id %wowid1%
winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,%w1%,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%
winset, alwaysontop, on, ahk_id %wowid2%
TrayTip , , Picture In Picture, 3, 1
winactivate, ahk_id %wowid1%
~+F2:: ; Loads Window Profile #2
gosub, alwaysontopoff
gosub, winrestore
windowstyle := 2
winmove, ahk_id %wowid1%, ,0,0,%w1a%,%h1a%
winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,%w1%,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%
TrayTip , , Split View, 3, 1
winactivate, ahk_id %wowid1%
~+F3:: ; Loads Window Profile #3
windowstyle := 3
winmaximize, ahk_id %wowid1%
winminimize, ahk_id %wowid2%
TrayTip , , Maximized, 3, 1
winactivate, ahk_id %wowid1%
;*************** Standard Keyboard Hotkeys ****************
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid1%
StringTrimLeft, ThisKey, A_ThisHotKey, 1
ControlSend,, %ThisKey%, ahk_id %wowid2%
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid2%
StringTrimLeft, ThisKey, A_ThisHotKey, 1
ControlSend,, %ThisKey%, ahk_id %wowid1%
;************ SHIFT + Standard Keyboard Keys **************
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid1%
StringTrimLeft, ThisKey, A_ThisHotKey, 1
ControlSend,, {shift down}%thiskey%{shift up}, ahk_id %wowid2%
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid2%
StringTrimLeft, ThisKey, A_ThisHotKey, 1
ControlSend,, {shift down}%thiskey%{shift up}, ahk_id %wowid1%
;*************** Start of Special Hotkeys *****************
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, {Enter}, ahk_id %wowid2%
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid2%
ControlSend,, {Enter}, ahk_id %wowid1%
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, {Tab}, ahk_id %wowid2%
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid2%
ControlSend,, {Tab}, ahk_id %wowid1%
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, {Delete}, ahk_id %wowid2%
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid2%
ControlSend,, {Delete}, ahk_id %wowid1%
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, {backspace}, ahk_id %wowid2%
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid2%
ControlSend,, {backspace}, ahk_id %wowid1%
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, {escape}, ahk_id %wowid2%
IfWinActive, ahk_id %wowid2%
ControlSend,, {escape}, ahk_id %wowid1%
;********************** ARROW Keys ************************
IfWinActive, World of Warcraft
ControlSend,, {up down}, ahk_id %wowid2%
getkeystate, state, up
if state = U
ControlSend,, {up up}, ahk_id %wowid2%
IfWinActive, World of Warcraft
ControlSend,, {down down}, ahk_id %wowid2%
getkeystate, state, down
if state = U
ControlSend,, {down up}, ahk_id %wowid2%
IfWinActive, World of Warcraft
ControlSend,, {Left down}, ahk_id %wowid2%
getkeystate, state, Left
if state = U
ControlSend,, {Left up}, ahk_id %wowid2%
IfWinActive, World of Warcraft
ControlSend,, {Right down}, ahk_id %wowid2%
getkeystate, state, Right
if state = U
ControlSend,, {Right up}, ahk_id %wowid2%

IfWinActive, World of Warcraft
ControlSend,, {Space down}, ahk_id %wowid2%
getkeystate, state, Space
if state = U
ControlSend,, {Space up}, ahk_id %wowid2%
;************************ CLOSE ***************************

winset, alwaysontop, off, ahk_id %wowid1%
winset, alwaysontop, off, ahk_id %wowid2%
winmove, ahk_id %wowid1%, ,0,0,640,389
winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,50,50,640,389

;*******************  Windows to Backround ********************

winset, alwaysontop, off, ahk_id %wowid1%
winset, alwaysontop, off, ahk_id %wowid2%

;*******************  Windows Restored *** ********************

winrestore, ahk_id %wowid1%
winrestore, ahk_id %wowid2%

;******************* Revision History **********************

; 01/07/2013.1
; Added Window View #3 [Maximized]
; Added check for both warcraft windows being open
; Changed default view to Window View #1 
; Added variables ScreenHeight and ScreenWidth to determine window sizes
; Added Menu Shortcuts
; Revised Space hotkey to fix flying issues with second character
; 01/03/2013.1
; Added variable size windows
; Added use control of main window
; Fixed minor bugs
; 01/02/2013.1
; Initial version

Re: Multiboxing WoW with PIP Window on left

Posted: 05 Jan 2019, 13:55
by gwarble
Quickly looking through the code, my guess is to change
w1a := A_ScreenWidth * .75
w1a := 0

Re: Multiboxing WoW with PIP Window on left

Posted: 06 Jan 2019, 18:56
by curlyp
gwarble wrote:
05 Jan 2019, 13:55
Quickly looking through the code, my guess is to change
w1a := A_ScreenWidth * .75
w1a := 0
Thanks Gwarble for the suggestion. I make the change and that did not work. The W1a and W2a are for the width of each screen. W1 = main screen and W2 = PIP screen that sits in the bottom right corner (see picture). Adjusting those values changes the size of each screen but not the placement. :(

Re: Multiboxing WoW with PIP Window on left

Posted: 06 Jan 2019, 19:56
by gwarble
Oh my bad, maybe change all
winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,%w1%,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%
winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,0,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%

Re: Multiboxing WoW with PIP Window on left

Posted: 06 Jan 2019, 20:23
by curlyp
gwarble wrote:
06 Jan 2019, 19:56
Oh my bad, maybe change all
winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,%w1%,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%
winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,0,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%
Gwarble - you are a life saver! Thank you so much. Just so I understand, could you please explain how changing the code from

winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,%w1%,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%
winmove, ahk_id %wowid2%, ,0,%h1%,%w2a%,%h2a%

made the PIP window from from the right to the left? Also, is there a way to manually drag the window to anywhere on the screen? Maybe with a modifier key?

Thank you again.