Constructive criticism

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Re: Constructive criticism

29 Jun 2023, 00:56

@Shikoweno that is not what this topic is discussing. That aside, perhaps the problem is with whatever examples you are looking at. v1 is not simple. v1 literally and objectively has more complex syntax than v2.
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Re: Constructive criticism

29 Jun 2023, 19:10

Excuse me but the examples I mention are from version 2. I'm not saying that the help documentation is bad. I say that there are many examples that do not fulfill their function and it is all due to the same thing. Autohotkey stopped being easy to become another complicated programming language for multiple uses.
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Re: Constructive criticism

29 Jun 2023, 20:01

@Shikoweno — You are still missing the point that no matter which side you take in the debate of which version is easier and which version’s examples you were citing, this thread is not about that topic. This thread is discussing how the two versions are presented to the user community and the approaches for installing and managing the two versions. In the context of this discussion, it is irrelevant which version is deemed easier to learn and use, whether due to the syntax itself or the documentation.
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Re: Constructive criticism

30 Jun 2023, 06:08

Shikoweno, here We discuss about complexity ahk v2 vs ahk v1:
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Re: Constructive criticism

04 Jul 2023, 17:43

I have been programming for decades but was new to AHK. Installed version 2 a few days ago and began working on a script to do some basic browser operations but ran into problems. V2 documentation refers to examples for V1. Found great videos by Anders Jensen but web examples use IE which is long out of date. Can find nothing which ties into W3 Schools HTML object documentation. Posted question on forum w partial script several days ago, no response and no response to other browser questions. Deleted question, giving up on AHK, going to look at UiPath for which Anders Jensen has done videos. I realize this is an all volunteer project but current situation for newcomers needs fixing. Good luck.

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