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Posted: 01 Aug 2015, 12:33
by nnnik
i personally think that this is just polys excuse to further delay the migration.


Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 17:37
by DigiDon
Hi Everyone,

I posted a quite similar message on the forum..

Could we have some lights shed on what's happening now PLEASE?

Clearly it is very confusing this moving forward and backward on this domain.

Months passed and not much seem to happen since Poly appearant coming back and cooperation to solve the issue.

This dual websites is a very annoying issue, and especially dual forums, something should be done right away even if it is not perfect .

I'm quite worry that it is not transparent at all and I - and many others I guess - are wondering what will happen.

We don't know on which forum to post... Should we always double post??

Maybe there have been annoncements elsewhere but I thought there would be more visible information.

Anyway I think this is quite obvious that archiving the forum should be done right away. The old URL could redirect to AHKScript forum until the migration can be done.
And then yes MAYBE we could take back
as official website and transform ahkscript as an informative one but please, two forums and forum getting active again for an ever more extanded period of time ?? NOT GOOD AT ALL ! :( ...


Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 20:18
by tank
We have been trying to deal with some technical difficulties around moving the forum at to a server we own. unfortunately IPBoards is a paid product and not in our name and the challenges are deep. Most of the leadership observes both forums
You do make an interesting point though perhaps we should just make the move to lock forum even if we haven't moved the software yet. Kind of a rip the bandage off and get it over with move. Lexikos JoDF what are your thoughts on just archiving the old forum where it is and worry about moving it to our own server at a later date?
Some sort of announcement on the home page and on the forum index and then making the forum link point here to this forum?


Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 21:06
by joedf
@DigiDon I understand your frustration. However, please understand that we are a volunteer organisation. We do what we can. If you feel that we are not transparent enough. You are of course invited to ask about anything you would like to know. I will personally see to it that your curiosity will be satisfied. ;)


Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 22:56
by lexikos
I'll say no to locking immediately. As I believe has been mentioned already, there are threads in progress on the other forum which users should be allowed to continue/finish. (However, I'm also against disabling creation of new topics without warning and a "grace period".)

I haven't seen any (public) definitive statement about what is going to happen to, even in the discussion about "The future of". Maybe there was and I missed it (which would demonstrate that its visibility is too poor). It should be a separate announcement, and as obvious as possible.


Posted: 16 Sep 2015, 03:21
by DigiDon
Thanks for the reply.

I'm sorry if I looked a bit oppressive, but to be frank I was on a coding session and switching back and forth and reading topics about the future got me a lil' bit nervous ^^

I appreciate that Tank consider it as an option.

@lexikos, I admit that I don't really understand your point. Until the forum will be archived or locked for new threads they will always be new ones. So this is an endless situation if nobody gives a stop at some point.
I think we have a chance we (sorry I like the "we" of community) that we didn't have before : finally a control over which was the serious issue for some time regarding the public and community. United is always better than forever split in half?...

We have a chance NOW, why not seizing it?

If we lock the old forum (MOST people agrees that it is an OLD forum and most people got used to ahkscript right?) maybe a few will have to create a new topic on AHKscript and switch back and forth for past messages for a lil' while BUT that's just a minority and minor issue because for years this issue is for Everyone, isn't it?

For every change there are some side effects, but in just a short period of time MUCH will be better.
Changes are bad is just not right when situation is no good.

I hope change will come.
Soonest the better..


Posted: 16 Sep 2015, 03:33
by DigiDon
I have no reputation here to dictate anything, but as a fan of AHK for years and reading these very important subjects on the future of the community, I felt the need to speak my mind.

I can't thank you enough for all the work you did and you do.
We are many to love AHK and I'm sure many more than the visible part of the iceberg.

The forum is so helpful I was about to learn and discover incredible stuff develop my programming skills just by reading threads and threads again (and putting into pratice of course).
So a united forum would bring - I'm sure - even further power and attraction. I just have the feeling we are missing something here.

I thought it was time for me to be a lil' bit more involved so that's quite about it ;)


Posted: 16 Sep 2015, 06:10
by lexikos
Pulling the community back into one forum will happen, but there's no reason it has to happen right this instant. Suddenly locking the forum without ample warning will feel like a slap in the face to a lot of users, and would be needlessly disruptive. There are much, much more sensible ways we could direct users to this forum - like announcing the future of the forums and suggesting politely that they move over. At the moment nobody (who doesn't passionately hate IPB) has much reason to switch, because virtually nobody knows that the forum is going to be discontinued. The main website (which we have control over) doesn't even mention, let alone promote it. The other forum is the AutoHotkey forum; why should anyone come here?

For clarity, when I say "the forum" I mean the forum currently at Eventually "the forum" will mean this forum.

Once the main website directs new and existing users to this forum, the community should naturally shift over. Even more so as more of those offering their help and expertise do so here and not there. Personally, I think that should happen after we've migrated both forums to more capable hosting, and there's little reason to rush that - let's do it right.


Posted: 16 Sep 2015, 13:12
by Chunjee
Its kinda crazy that in 2015 we are still using php for forum software. That said phpBB is great.


Posted: 16 Sep 2015, 15:02
by joedf
PHP is great :)


Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 06:39
by Maniac
I agree with lexikos. That being said, I'm maintaining a thread on both boards right now because of the split, also, as I'm unsure of the current plan, I've been worried one of the boards may be locked before I'm ready.


Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 07:29
by joedf
We will give a fair amount of time. I'd say at least a 2 weeks notice.


Posted: 17 Oct 2015, 13:24
by Guest_20151517
FYI, normal users and logged out users appear unable to visit the forums.


Posted: 17 Oct 2015, 18:00
by tank
works for me even logged out?


Posted: 17 Oct 2015, 19:17
by tank
this forum is now mirrored t


Posted: 17 Oct 2015, 19:31
by tank
oddly posting was redirecting back to


Posted: 17 Oct 2015, 19:52
by Guest_20151517
tank wrote:works for me even logged out?
Not working for me, even on other browsers. The error message is "Sorry, you don't have permission for that!" and I can't attempt to login. The login box appears if I click SIgn In on the top right, but it doesn't tell me if my username or password is incorrect.

Speaking of which, what is the protocol going to be for account migration? Users on the old board creating a new account on the new boards, or will some kind of transfer be done automatically?


Posted: 17 Oct 2015, 20:08
by tank
we will try to tranition as many accounts as we can but there will be conflicts. it is recommended that everyone should just go ahead and create an account on this board which is as of now also available at


Posted: 17 Oct 2015, 20:20
by tank
can someone other than me try the old forum. I even cleared cache n did ipconfig /flushdns and i cannot duplicate this problem


Posted: 17 Oct 2015, 20:27
by Guest_20151517
I thought I'd rule out my PC and my internet being the problem. I used my phone - which has never visited AHK anything - to navigate to while WiFi was off, so completely on LTE data.

I get the error messages:

"Oops! Something went wrong!"
"[#2000] You are not allowed to visit this community." (forgot to mention that in my previous posts I believe; it was in a pink box on mobile so it caught my attention, had to go back and double check it appeared on my PC).

Following the links for "Click here to log in" and "Our help documentation" leads to the same error page (same as on my PC).

Hopefully the error code might point to some misconfigured setting. Thanks for trying to work it out tank.