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Forum access through TOR

Posted: 08 Apr 2022, 09:05
by David4
On my main place I only use Torbrowser to access WWW. Sadly it's difficult to use >90% of my tries I get blocked. When I get access and start to write something it often happens, that I get blocked again before the message is submitted. Much waste of time. That's frustrating and the reason why I rarely use the forum and even more rarely write.

Shouldn't it be possible to use the forum easily with Torbrowser, too?
Or is there an alternate address (onion?) to mitigate this?

Re: Forum access through TOR

Posted: 08 Apr 2022, 09:09
by joedf
We actively block most TOR traffic, because we would get too many attacks, malicious traffic. Sorry. :/
It's this vs downtime 😕

Re: Forum access through TOR

Posted: 08 Apr 2022, 15:33
by David4
Shouldn't there be a better way than blocking TOR?
Most other sites seem to handle this without big problems. Please think about that.

Re: Forum access through TOR

Posted: 08 Apr 2022, 16:17
by joedf
Unfortunately, we lack a full time staff and are very low budget. Sorry. :?