I must admit that while my expertise in web design and server administration is robust, I am one man. I need you all.
Already i am receiving can you add this feature or that feature. Keep them comming. I may ask for a canned method to add it but as an example I will be adding Spoilers because a complete canned MOD exists on the PHPBB site Thanks Menixator !!
This new site will not work without transparency.
- Lexikos
- Alibaba
- tidbit
- HotKeyIt
- Drainx1
- Zaelia
PLEASE I need feedback on additional MODS. As mods I know of join I will promote them.
If ever there is a need for it i can be contacted at Google+ or via PM. I am committed to responding within 48 hours. I will be hosting a google hangout session everyday this week between 10 AM Eastern time (-5) till 10:30 am or longer if the discussion gets good to talk about our future
old forum content
I am downloading the content Zaelia collected from the old forum. I will do my darndest to provide it in a searchable format to all.
I am going to also see if there is any negotiating with Polythene for a DB dump of the forum. but lets all for a moment that it takes me a while to get the content available that Zaelia collected. I need your patience or help. anyone can download it as well and work the problem of how to best provide it up to and including writing a php script to parse the files into mysql tables for PHPBB3. If anyone wants to try please contact me.
We will need more than one Site editor but for now;
I will also have need of basic HTML editors. All are invited. I am going to import the existing tutorial and other documentation pages today. There will be content that has been for years needing to be updated. example would be references to Sean's now lost forever COM.AHK Simply make a copy of the page source and attach the correction to a PM and to me. I am going to use the edits to help me determine who should and shouldn't be able to have FTP access to the site pages in the future. I will be looking for HTML comments detailing why the change was made and how you determined what the correction should be. Eventually, I think we should move into a world where the documentation also has user comments like php.net
this team needs at least one more experienced PHP MySQL developer. If that is you or if you have the skill and lack the experience and want to intern let me know.
Lets limit this thread to Content and website plans. the Foundation discussion will continue in its original thread.
If i failed to mention it please ask