LNK Parser

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LNK Parser

07 Jan 2021, 05:26

LNK Parser allows you to view the content of Windows shortcut (.LNK) files.

Command-line Usage
You can run the program from a command-line and supply a shortcut file or a directory. If a directory is supplied, the directory and any sub-directories will be scanned for shortcut files.

Example 1: lnk_parser_cmd.exe shortcut.lnk

Example 2: lnk_parser_cmd.exe C:\Users\User\Desktop

There are additional options that can be specified to allow you to generate various reports of the shortcut file information.

The following is a list of supported options:

-o Sets the output directory for reports.
-w Generates an HTML report.
-c Generates a comma-separated values (CSV) report.
-r Remnant and unprocessed data will be dumped to the HTML report.
-s Prevents the console from outputting information.
Example: lnk_parser_cmd.exe -o Output -w -c -r -s shortcut.lnk

If you wish to save the command-line output to a file, you can use the redirect operator.

Example: lnk_parser_cmd.exe shortcut.lnk > output.txt

You can speed up the extraction and report generation by redirecting the command-line output to the NUL device, or by using the -s option mentioned above.

Example 1: lnk_parser_cmd.exe shortcut.lnk > NUL

Example 2: lnk_parser_cmd.exe -s shortcut.lnk

The program can also be run normally (not through the command-line). It will ask for the shortcut file or directory, and whether you wish to include a report(s).

When specifying a file or directory path, it's best to surround it with quotes since spaces within the path might be interpreted as separate options.



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