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AHK Build GitHub Action

Posted: 12 Feb 2023, 13:59
by nukdokplex
AutoHotKey Builder
GitHub Action

GitHub Action for building AutoHotkey scripts with AHK2Exe.


This action is designed ONLY for running in Windows Environment. It uses Windows binaries and runs in PowerShell. You have been warned!

By the way, AutoHotkey is also only available on Windows. Why do you want to compile your scripts on other platforms?

This action was inspired by implementation of this GitHub Action from @nekocodeX, so the original idea belongs to him/her. I would be very proud if he/she joined the development of this project too.

This action, unlike the original idea, is intended to be more flexible and more fail-safe. And this action is the only one by these parameters in its niche.

The mechanism of this action can be broken down into four main steps:

1. Downloading required binaries, such as AutoHotkey, AHK2Exe, UPX (if needed). All these binaries are downloaded from their official repositories.
2. Unpacking binaries and setup environment for successful build. All related files are located in ./._ahk.
3. Building you AutoHotkey scripts with this environment.
4. Cleaning up.

Usage example
Let's suppose that your scripts are in the root of your repository. Then after checkout they will be in the current working directory. Also let's suppose that you want to build in ./build. Lets see how we can deal with it:

Code: Select all

name: Build
    branches: [ master ]
    branches: [ master ]

    runs-on: windows-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Build with AHK v1.1.22.01
        uses: nukdokplex/autohotkey-build@v0.1
          version: v1.1.22.01
          x64: true
          x86: true
          compression: upx
          out: build
      - name: Do domething with builded scripts
        shell: pwsh
        run: |
          ls build
Action input parameters
Parameter name Parameter description Required Defaults to
version The version of AutoHotkey to be used (must be the version from the official AutoHotkey repository, e.g. "v1.1.29.01"). false latest
x64 Specifies whether to compile the 64-bit version. false true
x86 Specifies whether to compile the 32-bit version. false false
x64_suffix Specifies suffix for the 64-bit version out file. false _x64
x86_suffix Specifies suffix for the 32-bit version out file. false _x86
compression Specifies which compression method to use. "none" - do not use compression, "upx" - use UPX compression. There is no MPRESS 'cause it's discontinued. Don't try to use it, it won't work. false none
in Specifies a folder with scripts or a single script to be compiled. If you specify a folder, files with the extensions ".ahk", ".ahk2" will be taken. Recursive search in folder is not present. false Current Working Directory
out Specifies the folder for output files. false build
icon Specifies icon file to use. false

Thanks for making this possible
Many thanks to @nekocodeX for this great idea!

Github Action robinraju/release-downloader for cool action that got rid of the headache about downloading releases from GitHub.

v1 released

Posted: 17 Feb 2023, 00:10
by nukdokplex
v1 is released now, check repository for details!