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AutoHotkey (Scintilla) Lexer

Posted: 22 Sep 2016, 17:19
by Masonjar13
Back in April, I opened a request to Notepad++ on Git to add native AutoHotkey syntax. There was one attempt, but they didn't bother making the lexer for it.. kinda pointless. So, I would like some help to write a lexer for it. My problem, besides being mediocre at C++, is that I don't know how a lexer operates and what it actually needs to function properly. If someone could point me in the right direction, or if someone would like to do it entirely, collab, whatever, that would be great. :)

Reference: ... ssues/1734

Re: AutoHotkey (Scintilla) Lexer

Posted: 22 Sep 2016, 17:35
by HotKeyIt
Have a look here.

Re: AutoHotkey (Scintilla) Lexer

Posted: 22 Sep 2016, 17:46
by Masonjar13
The one time I didn't bother to search something. :roll: Not sure if it'll implement immediately or if it needs updating. We'll see. Thanks HotKeyIt!

Re: AutoHotkey (Scintilla) Lexer

Posted: 22 Sep 2016, 20:11
by guest3456
back when i used np++, i used RaptorX's lexer. as i remember, you needed to use a custom scintilla.dll file because it was written for a previous version

now i use Vim :)

Re: AutoHotkey (Scintilla) Lexer

Posted: 22 Sep 2016, 21:14
by Masonjar13
Vim, huh? To each their own, I suppose. Not a fan of CLI editors (unless it got a GUI?) myself. I've borrowed finc's lexer from SciTE4AHK. That's compiled and done. Working on getting N++ edited and compiled, we'll see how that goes.

Re: AutoHotkey (Scintilla) Lexer

Posted: 23 Sep 2016, 01:44
by guest3456
lol of course its got a GUI. but using the mouse in Vim is an effort in futility anyway

Re: AutoHotkey (Scintilla) Lexer

Posted: 23 Sep 2016, 15:30
by Masonjar13
I used VIM on Linux (Fedora 13, I believe, for school), and it was CLI only. I've only used Eclipse, VS, Gedit, and N++. I suppose I used notepad back in middle school and before. Also tried CodeBlocks, that sucked. Hated Eclipse, hate VS (although I use it still, super rarely), and Gedit is just a better notepad. I just hook up MinGW to N++ and that's about all I've ever needed. Works for me anyway.

Re: AutoHotkey (Scintilla) Lexer

Posted: 27 Oct 2016, 21:37
by lmstearn
@MasonJar: Still interested in the Lexer?
Looks like most of the input will be in stylers.model.xml and langs.model.xml- is that easily sourced?