Mac RPA to start up a Windows Citrix session

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Mac RPA to start up a Windows Citrix session

12 Feb 2021, 18:51

Hi all,

I have been using AHK now for just under 1 year and love it. I work as a doctor in the UK and have created a fairly extensive AHK script (which I hope to publish on GitHub soon) that opens several different clinical systems and searches for a required patient. It can also create and send off requests. This has greatly sped up our department’s work.

Now since COVID came along, I tend to work from home more. To do this I need to open a Citrix session of Windows on my home MacBook. My trust only uses Windows PCs. Citrix seems to not always load correctly and you need to retry to load it. This can be very time consuming, taking 2-30 mins to finally log into Citrix and for me to be able to start working on a trust’s Windows session. I know exactly what I would want an AHK script to do if I was not using a MacBook; I would make it open up Citrix, type in my credentials in the correct fields of the new dialogue box, click start Citrix session and then wait 3ish mins to see if the session successfully started. If it did load then that is the end of the script. If it did not load fully (normally a black screen) then the script would disconnect the Citrix session and then try to reconnect. I would also play a sound when it had successfully loaded the Citrix session.

Anyone know if there Mac OS tools out their that I could use to do the above? I have looked at a few (eg Hammerspoon) but I don’t feel like they could do the above. I would greatly appreciate help on the matter.
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Joined: 22 Jan 2017, 19:37

Re: Mac RPA to start up a Windows Citrix session

04 May 2023, 10:38

Hi, @CotswoldsMaker, sorry I didn't see this for over two years.
You can use Python on your MacBook to automate Citrix. Here's a StackOverflow link that may help.

Re: Mac RPA to start up a Windows Citrix session

04 May 2023, 15:49

Great info. I will look into it!

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