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Python的AutoHotkeyHv2 dll 库

Posted: 20 Jul 2022, 06:15
by cusong

在Python中调用 Autohotkey H v2 dll 的功能库, 可设置热键, 调用所有ahk功能等


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init(self, dllpath:str='', title:str='', cmdline:str='') # just entry the dllpath param / 正常使用只要填入 dllpath

add_pyfn(self, pyfunc, alias:str='') # add python function for autohotkey

del_pyhk(self, hotkey:str) # only exec hotkey off / 只是调用了 hotkey 'off'

setval(self, name:str, value) # set ahk thread global variable / 设置 ahk 线程全局变量

getval(self, name:str) # get ahk thread global variable / 获取 ahk 线程中的全局变量

add(self, ahkscript:str) # add ahk script to exec, you can use it for ahk lib / 添加ahk字符串并执行, 通常用来添加ahk库

add_file(self, ahkfile:str, encoding='utf-8') # add ahk file to exec, you can use it for ahk lib / 添加字符串并执行, 通常用来添加ahk库

do0 / do / do2 : it may be delete after exec / 执行完可能将被删除

do0(self, ahkscript:str)->None # run ahk script, none return, fast / 无返回值, 最快

do(self, ahkscript:str)->str # assgign variable _return as string type will return string to python / 赋值给 _return 变量以字符串将返回字符串给python

do2(self, ahkscript:str)->Any # assign any type could translate to json will return to python, slow / 赋值任意可转json的对象返回给python, 偏慢