Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically Topic is solved

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Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

11 Jun 2022, 08:38

When I write short posts [like this one] everything is A-OK. But if they get long vertically, i.e. with multiple lines which forces me use the internal scroll bar - and that is both tedious and counter-productive

Because when I use the mouse wheel to scroll down within a post window then I almost always exceed the range of that sub-window - and thus my scrolling gets applied to the whole webpage / tab. And so the end effect is that I either loose from sight that menu at the top (with B I U etc. text formatting options) when scrolling do write at the bottom of a post - or - I loose from sight the bottom of a post when scrolling up to use the menu

In the Board Preferences available in my User Control Panel I found not options in regard to this issue. So can this be fixed in the code of this forum? Or maybe this could be done with some neat AHK script?
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

11 Jun 2022, 12:31

You could edit the page with javascript. Run this in the webbrowser console or with userscript.

Code: Select all

document.getElementById('message').style.height = '5000px';
You can also size the reply box with the little handle on the lower right of the textbox.
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

12 Jun 2022, 11:12

joedf wrote:
11 Jun 2022, 12:31
You could edit the page with javascript. Run this in the webbrowser console or with userscript.

Code: Select all

document.getElementById('message').style.height = '5000px';
For that I used https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/javascript/ plugin. And for me 333px is the optimal value

But the problem with it is that it stops working when I need it the most- i.e. when the post gets long: the size of box just gets higher thus still moving that menu from sight. With this approach, that box for text when editing must be permanently held at a fixed value and not just set to it when it is loaded and presented to user

Plus there is this caveat that it does not limit itself onlyto autohotkey.com/boards/ but runs on whole content of autohotkey.com

Maybe this be somehow reworked to a CSS code? I could save in my Stylish plugin, that allows me to modify webpages

I tried using

textarea {
height: 300px !important;


#message-box textarea {
height: 200px !important;


textarea.inputbox {
height: 100px !important;

plus all together, but it did not work

joedf wrote:
11 Jun 2022, 12:31
You can also size the reply box with the little handle on the lower right of the textbox.
That other solution resets itself to default with every new post I write, thus would require from me to almost always manipulate that window. And so it is a workaround that works but is tiresome to implement

And most important - bu also stops when it is needed the most- because when the post gets long the handle disappears and scroll bar appers
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

12 Jun 2022, 11:33

You can use userstyles for that! :+1:
Custom css for any site or specific page pattern you choose.

Use this to size the textarea:

Code: Select all

#message {
	min-height: 333px !important;

Here's some handy CSS i wrote for you to try :+1:
It will "float" the buttons at the top of the window when scroll down enough.

Code: Select all

#format-buttons {
	position: sticky;
	z-index: 46;
	top: 29px;
	background: #f4f4f4;
	display: block;
	padding: 1em;
	border: 1px solid #51708a;
.fields1 > #format-buttons ~ #format-buttons {
	top: 89px;
Note: made with the default forum theme in mind.
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

12 Jun 2022, 12:46

joedf wrote:
12 Jun 2022, 11:33
You can use userstyles for that! :+1:
What is this userstyles that you speak of - the Userstyles plugin [which I did not find such] or the Firefox built it option [which I also did not find]?

Or did you simply mean some styles of a user applied in whatever ways available to such any user?
joedf wrote:
12 Jun 2022, 11:33
Use this to size the textarea:

Code: Select all

#message {
    min-height: 333px !important;
Now this helps. It limits the size of area of editing

To avoid any scrolling, at lest before having to execute the Preview or Submit, a value of ~200px is optimal for my widescreen monitor and ~140% zoom in Firefox. And I could increase that value in an quick and easy way - if only I knew how to downsize greatly the #site-description element, which is than ridiculously huge banner at the top

And also moving

Code: Select all

[i.e. everything that is below Smilies somewhere up could help / would be required then

joedf wrote:
12 Jun 2022, 11:33
Here's some handy CSS i wrote for you to try :+1:
Note: made with the default forum theme in mind.
Thank you very much

But which was the default one? Simplicity? I am using Digi Orange - but this CSS script does not work for either of them, even if I add position: sticky !important; modification and also add the same line to the .fields1 > #format-buttons ~ #format-buttons portion of your code
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

12 Jun 2022, 13:54

Yes, the default theme is Simplicity. Yes, the userstyles plugin is Stylish: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/stylish/
Or you could also give stylebot a try: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/stylebot-web/
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

12 Jun 2022, 14:00

I just tried this with firefox+stylish+digi-orange and worked for me:

Code: Select all

#format-buttons {
	position: sticky;
	z-index: 46;
	top: 29px;
	background: #2e2e2f;
	display: block;
	padding: 1em;
	border: 1px solid #51708a;
.fields1 > #format-buttons ~ #format-buttons {
	top: 89px;
#message {
	min-height: 333px !important;
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically  Topic is solved

12 Jun 2022, 17:47

OK, it works - my stupid mistake: in my new Stylish entry I chose for Applies to: value URL instead of URLs on the domain

Here is your code expanded by me with my adjustments

Code: Select all

/*********** NAVIGATION BAR ***********/
font-size: 80% !important;
position: relative;
top: -1px;
.navbar .nav-tabs
height: 24px !important;
position: relative;
top: -6px;

/*********** POST AREA: EDIT WINDOW ***********/
height: 222px !important;


.postbody .content
max-height: 222px !important;
overflow-y: scroll;

.post > .inner {
max-height: none !important;

/*********** TEXT AREA: ??? ***********/

#message textarea

/*********** FORMAT MENU WITH BUTTONS ***********/
position: sticky;
z-index: 46;
top: 0;
background: #2E2E2F;
display: block;
padding: 0;
border: 0 solid #694D0C;
margin: 1px 0 20px 0;
fieldset dd
margin-bottom: 0;
fieldset.fields1 div
margin-bottom: 0;

/*********** BUTTONS ***********/
#format-buttons input,
#format-buttons button,
#format-buttons .icon
font-size: 86% !important;
max-height: 1.66em !important;
padding-top: 0 !important;
margin: 0 !important;
font-weight: normal;
position: relative;
bottom: 2px;
position: relative !important; /*********** DOES NOT WORK ***********/
bottom: 2px !important; /*********** DOES NOT WORK ***********/

/*********** DROP DOWN MENU: FONT ***********/
.format-buttons select
font-size: 10px;
margin-right: 0 !important;

/*********** DROP DOWN MENU: CODE ***********/
font-size: 11px;
margin-right: 55px;
margin-bottom: 10px !important;
fieldset.fields1:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(5) > select:nth-child(1)
font-size: 11px;
padding: 0;
width: fit-content;
float: right;
position: relative !important;
top: -18px !important;

/*********** SEARCH / NEW POSTS /SEARCH BAR ***********/
position: relative;
top: -15px;

Search New posts Web Search
.navbar.secondary > ul
line-height: 0.33;

/*********** HOME BAR ***********/
.navbar ul.linklist
padding: 0;

/*********** FORUM RULES BAR ***********/
font-size: 6px;
line-height: 0;
padding-left: 10px;
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;

/*********** FORUM RULES BAR ***********/
.postbody h3
font-size: 6px;
padding: 0 !important;
padding-left: 10px !important;
padding-right: 10px !important;
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
line-height: 0.99;
color: #B41313;
background: #131313;

/*********** POST A REPLAY BAR ***********/
.panel > .inner > h3:first-child, .panel > h3:first-child
font-size: 13px;
line-height: 0.66;

/*********** THREAD TITLE ***********/
font-size: 6px;
line-height: 3px;
padding-left: 10px;
padding-bottom: 0;
h2 a {
color: #694D0C !important;

/*********** SEARCH BOX & SUBJECT BOX ***********/
width: 555px !important;

/*********** SEARCH BOX 
input.tiny {
width: 333px;

/*********** SEARCH BOX: SEARCH ICON ***********/
position: relative;
top: 0 !important;

/*********** EMOTICONS ***********/
.smiley-box img
width: 0;
height: 0;
margin-top: 24px !important;
margin-right: -222px !important;

/*********** LOGO AT THE TOP ***********/
display: none !important; /*********** HIDDEN ***********/
.logo img
display: none !important; /*********** HIDDEN ***********/
width: 30px !important;
margin-bottom: 0;

/*********** BOTTOM: COPYRIGHT ***********/
#page-footer .copyright
display: none !important; /*********** HIDDEN ***********/

/*********** BOTTOM: EMPTY SPACE ***********/
#phpbb > div:nth-child(22)
display: none !important;
The idea behind is to gain as much as possible in the vertical space for writing - assuming a user is running on 21:9 monitor with 3400 x 1600 resolution, with Firefox zoomed in to 150%. I also hid Smiles as those animations drove me mad. And I hope I did not mess up something else with all those tweaks

So thank you for providing me with a template

But do you know how to remove that blank vertical space between lines with
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And how to get rid of that huge blank space at very the bottom?
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

12 Jun 2022, 19:24

Glad it's working so far. As for the space, could you share a screenshot and highlight it?
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

13 Jun 2022, 09:08

This JPG has the small wasted space at the top marked with X's

While this one marks the big one at the very bottom
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

13 Jun 2022, 09:57

I got the same screenshot twice...
as for the space, I guess you could force it up a little bit like so:

Code: Select all

#wrap {
	position: relative;
	top: -16px;
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

13 Jun 2022, 11:29

joedf wrote:
13 Jun 2022, 09:57
I got the same screenshot twice...
I am sorry, I made a mistake. I just corrected that second link
joedf wrote:
13 Jun 2022, 09:57
as for the space, I guess you could force it up a little bit like so:
This works. Thank you
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

13 Jun 2022, 12:01

Interesting.... I don't have this large of a space on the bottom.

you could hide the copyright notice:

Code: Select all

#page-footer .copyright {
	display: none;
and then try hiding that last div on the bottom ?

Code: Select all

#phpbb > div:nth-child(5) {
	height: 0;
	display: none;
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

13 Jun 2022, 15:31

joedf wrote:
13 Jun 2022, 12:01
Interesting.... I don't have this large of a space on the bottom.
I think is is the place where question about cookies are shown. Maybe the difference is with our cookie settings

I get the same wasted space at this forum https://freecommander.com/forum/ which looks very alike

joedf wrote:
13 Jun 2022, 12:01
you could hide the copyright notice:
copyright. did work - I gained vertical space

But that empty bottom is still there
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

13 Jun 2022, 15:49

You can try using the Web Inspector to try determine what is causing that space:

Otherwise, we don't have a cookie question setup as far as I know.
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

13 Jun 2022, 18:43

I was using this whole time - but its a little overwhelming for someone who is not a webmaster

I used Inspector on that area once again - but this time stopped looking in CSS Pane but went to HTML Pane, then clicked on <div>...</div> and chose to copy the CSS Selector - and that was it

So now addition like this

Code: Select all

#phpbb > div:nth-child(22){
display: none !important;
does the trick of removing that cast empty space at the bottom. [I upgraded accordingly the code from viewtopic.php?f=3&t=105226#p467567]

So thank you once again - and for now I am done with tweaking looks of this forum
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

13 Jun 2022, 18:49

But one more question - to anyone and everyone: why all those multiple bars at the top and not so small various margins?

Am I the only one, who sees them as clutter? And as soon as after writing just ~25 posts. The end effect with them implemented is as I had described it: editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically. The layout does look good - but main functions suffers from it. I just do not understand this
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

13 Jun 2022, 19:30

For me, I am not getting margins that are as large as you've shown me, but also these themes were chosen since they support mobile devices unlike our old theme. We did not design these, we only tweak some colors and maybe some functionality here and there...
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

13 Jun 2022, 19:35

Ah yes, mobiles. I forgot about them. And that unlike them my widescreen monitor is a still an uncommon hardware. And that I also use in an unusual fashion of keeping one wide area of operations instead of splitting it into 2 or 3
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Re: Editing posts becomes user-unfriendly when they get long vertically

13 Jun 2022, 20:52

Keymaker wrote:
13 Jun 2022, 15:31
joedf wrote:
13 Jun 2022, 12:01
Interesting.... I don't have this large of a space on the bottom.
I think is is the place where question about cookies are shown. Maybe the difference is with our cookie settings

I get the same wasted space at this forum https://freecommander.com/forum/ which looks very alike
Apparently this changes when you zoom in and out, as various elements change their sizes

It one of the downsides of using widescreen monitor - many webpages are simply vaguely compatible with them

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