Reply notification email: have 1 useful link instead of 3 (semi)useless ones

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Reply notification email: have 1 useful link instead of 3 (semi)useless ones

Post by eugenesv » 21 Sep 2023, 02:28

When you get an email notifying you of replies, the only useful link you'd need is the link to that reply in that specific post.

But you don't get that, instead you have 4(!) other links:
  • newest posts since last visit (why is this the first? the email is about a reply)
  • view the topic (most relevant, but at the worst place tucked in the middle requiring you to be careful about not clicking on the wrong one, and also broken if the topic is multi-page since you get to the first page, not to someone's reply. Last page would be better, but also fail if there are many replies after that one you've got notification for)
  • view the forum (this is also not needed)
  • unsubscribe (also relevant)
Is it possible to change the email notification template to have the first link to the actual reply at the top so that the most useful thing is the first thing you see and can click on and then everything else, including boilerplate "you are receiving this notificaion because you are watching the topic" etc. at the bottom (that can have all the other links, though I'd only leave unsubscribe)?

Thank you

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