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Posted: 02 Aug 2022, 00:24
by BoBo
I've found @boiler's code-tag-advisory in one of the forum threads and thought that it should become part of the "Forum HowTo"!?
Your thoughts please :)


PS. (Non forum related) I've stumbled over this a minute ago, and it (or similar) might be worth being mentioned in the AHK-Help. No?

Re: [code][/code]-tags

Posted: 02 Aug 2022, 00:35
by TAC109
With some forum styles the code icon looks like this:

Re: [code][/code]-tags

Posted: 02 Aug 2022, 01:08
by BoBo
@TAC109 - valid point! However, I'd assume that once we advice a (forum) noob about an existing button option (whatever it looks like) we'll be fine. :thumbup:

Re: [code][/code]-tags

Posted: 02 Aug 2022, 06:20
by boiler
Not a bad Idea. I also thought about what @TAC109 pointed out (my button looks like that but dark). I figured most forum noobs haven’t gotten to selecting a new theme yet, but I think it couldn’t hurt to add his image and say the button will look like this in some themes.

Re: [code][/code]-tags

Posted: 04 Aug 2022, 13:34
by tidbit
I made a series of similar images in 2011

Re: [code][/code]-tags

Posted: 15 Aug 2022, 07:23
by BoBo
@tidbit & friends :mrgreen:
Scribe - this tool might come in handy for that specific task (for Edge/Chrome/...) :thumbup: (video)

... and a similar one named Tango (video)