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NavBar on Mobile

Posted: 15 Feb 2023, 18:21
by DuckingQuack
I don't know who is responsible for taking care of the forums, but I do know they are doing a great job. Now, this is far from a complaint and I'm not sure if the problem is just a IOS Safari browser bug, but I noticed the NavBar doesn't stay at the top of the screen on my phone but does on PC. This is a feature I love because it brings a wonderful amount of QOL improvements with it and I wish it worked on mobile. If there is a setting or something I missed, or I need to get a different browser, or if this is just not something supported for the mobile version, please let me know.


Re: NavBar on Mobile

Posted: 16 Feb 2023, 14:30
by joedf
Hi there! thanks for sharing!
I'll need to know what version of safari or iOS you are using? This sounds like a CSS version support issue to me. :think:

Re: NavBar on Mobile

Posted: 16 Feb 2023, 17:51
by DuckingQuack
I could not find a version number on safari although it is up to date. Here is the page from the App Store:

My current iOS is:
iOS 16.1.2 (20B110)

Thanks for the interest in solving this.

Re: NavBar on Mobile  Topic is solved

Posted: 16 Feb 2023, 18:27
by joedf
Yeah, I double checked and everything needed should be supported on your browser... So I decided to test on my android chrome and firefox and it seems... That it is the correct behaviour.
I think the fixed NavBar is purposely not on mobile by design. I read that it's considered a standard practice, at least for some, because of the limited screen space.
So, I will not be taking any action on this at the risk of braking it for anyone else :?

I realize it is a bit annoying, but I guess I just got used to it over time and forgot about it...

Re: NavBar on Mobile

Posted: 16 Feb 2023, 18:39
by DuckingQuack
Thanks for looking into it and I fully understand the reasoning. Perhaps in the future the forum customization page could include a "Fixed NavBar on Mobile" option? Just tossing the idea out, I get you are all busy.