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Create a signature

Posted: 24 Feb 2023, 10:39
by Ben G
How do I create a signature which can be attached to my message? I can't seem to find a settings option. :(

Re: Create a signature  Topic is solved

Posted: 24 Feb 2023, 10:48
by gregster
Yes, sorry, signatures are disabled for new users with a low post count.

Re: Create a signature

Posted: 24 Feb 2023, 11:28
by Ben G
Ah, I see.
When will I get to be able to attach a signature (how many posts do I have to have)?
Thanks :D

Re: Create a signature

Posted: 24 Feb 2023, 11:31
by gregster
I think you'll need 10.

Re: Create a signature

Posted: 24 Feb 2023, 11:33
by Ben G
Ok, thanks!