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Thanks tank!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013, 08:37
by Grendahl
Hey tank, thanks for the new hangout. :)

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013, 12:24
by lblb
Thanks a lot tank for taking the lead on this. I may not be an AHK super user, but it's been very painful to see the official website being so dysfunctional and the community so frustrated. Hopefully all your efforts will lead to a forum where member input will be more respected and valued.

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013, 15:03
by gwarble
Thanks for doing this tank

If content is starting from scratch, how about seperating "scripts" and "functions" or stdlib?

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013, 16:11
by tank
I dont have a good answer to that.on want too much splitting could be confusing on another i totally see your point
maybe with titles
[function] my function
[script] spreadheet automation
[lib] GDI

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013, 16:24
by vahju
Thanks tank for creating this forum.

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013, 20:02
by jethrow
ditto the thread name

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013, 20:06
by smorgasbord
Thanks Tank!

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013, 20:08
by joedf

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013, 23:16
by PuzzledGreatly
Thanks for taking the initiative and I hope the vision of an AHK foundation succeeds.


Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 03:06
by Guest10
thanks! i joined. :lol:

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 08:17
by Awannaknow
Well, I see that Tank is the creator thank you Tank!!!
I must add that I didn't even noticed the "official" forum is "dead", it's a Kon signature link which send me here saying: "This forum is dead. The new one can be found here."
All I noticed is that I posted one or 2 questions and had no answers at all, just thought I might have done something wrong . . . :oops:

What happens to AutoHotKey in general and the "official" forum (you don't need to answer, I just let my fingers go on the board) ?

Whatever: long live AutoHotKey !

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 08:21
by TLM
Tank my man! Nice job brotha

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 08:49
by tank
Awannaknow we all hope Poly comes to his senses.
so the basic issue that finally broke the camels back
many users visit the page with no CSS or images
i have 4 machines multiple browsers. only one one machine within chrome am i able to load the site. on another machine in IE9 never in FF. Poly has refused to respond to any reports on it and in addition to deleting some threads where dissention was voiced he has been otherwise completely MUTE and inaccessable. Some of us never experienced the problem. Some never found a way to get to a working version. I did the only thing i could and tossed up PHPBB3 registered a domain and started copying content. I want nothing more than for Poly to let another developer work on the old official site fix the issues and assume a permanent support role. I would even bet the community would take up donations and pay a salary if it was consistent and good support. I am trying to get Sumon on board to take a role of developer and support. i honestly dont have the kind of capacity necessary to do it properly. but i wont let it fall down either
I will keep our heads above water and will interview and entertain the idea anyone with web development skills that has a serious desire to help.

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 13:45
by Flow Snake
Tnx tank your alot better than poly!

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 14:17
by Awannaknow
Thanks for your answer,
You may pin your answer or elaborate and pin as it is an important fact to know.
After all, we (noobz) heavily rely on forum searches (our holy grails) to not disturb too much "advanced" members . . .
And when a big disruption like this one happens, we (noobz again) are a bit at lost . . .:
and started copying content
That is the holy grail I was talking about: content.
Thank you for doing it, it might be quite complicated!
tank wrote:Awannaknow we all hope Poly comes to his senses.
so the basic issue that finally broke the camels back
many users visit the page with no CSS or images
i have 4 machines multiple browsers. only one one machine within chrome am i able to load the site. on another machine in IE9 never in FF. Poly has refused to respond to any reports on it and in addition to deleting some threads where dissention was voiced he has been otherwise completely MUTE and inaccessable. Some of us never experienced the problem. Some never found a way to get to a working version. I did the only thing i could and tossed up PHPBB3 registered a domain and started copying content. I want nothing more than for Poly to let another developer work on the old official site fix the issues and assume a permanent support role. I would even bet the community would take up donations and pay a salary if it was consistent and good support. I am trying to get Sumon on board to take a role of developer and support. i honestly dont have the kind of capacity necessary to do it properly. but i wont let it fall down either
I will keep our heads above water and will interview and entertain the idea anyone with web development skills that has a serious desire to help.

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 14:42
by HotKeyIt
Thank you very much tank, really great work and so fast :D

I feel like home again ;)

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 15:24
by tmplinshi

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 02 Oct 2013, 03:16
by xZomBie
Been experiencing some problems with images not showing up in the old "official" forum so I thought it was time to register an account here. Thanks a lot tank!
The full editor is awesome new forum users can now easily add
This quote box

Code: Select all

Code box
Is there a spoiler function in this forum?

Can we change our username? This is because that there is already someone called SnowFlake...

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 02 Oct 2013, 03:28
by nnnik
Can we change our username?
I can enable it.

Re: Thanks tank!

Posted: 02 Oct 2013, 03:32
by Sjc1000
Glad to see that the community now has a place to be where they actually matter, and their voice will be heard. :D
Thanks tank. ;)