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Can we get a script request /idea forum?

Posted: 11 Aug 2017, 19:11
by func
Can we get a forum category dedicated to user submitted script ideas?
I feel like many people have useful script ideas that probably never get spoken about because they don't feel technically proficient enough to attempt the script yet. Good ideas would probably get a lot of attention/replies and good autohotkey scripters might be inspired to take on a project every once in awhile.

Re: Can we get a script request /idea forum?

Posted: 11 Aug 2017, 19:46
by Masonjar13
I don't agree with having a request forum, as these forums are for learning and sharing, not hiring interns. An idea forum though would be quite interesting! I do find myself sometimes looking for something new to write, which such a forum would alleviate.

Re: Can we get a script request /idea forum?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 12:01
by joedf
Old discussion, end result declined so far...

Here's a topic for now

Re: Can we get a script request /idea forum?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 19:13
by Masonjar13
Oh, dang. Alright then. Thanks for the links, Joe.

Re: Can we get a script request /idea forum?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 20:46
by joedf
No problemo, that's what Im here for ;)

Re: Can we get a script request /idea forum?

Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 06:05
by func
Well, this is a first, a programming forum that is against sharing ideas, lol

Re: Can we get a script request /idea forum?

Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 11:54
by joedf
Hey dont look at me ;)
I feel people are against a cluttered topic list rather than the "idea of sharing".
I would post in the topic i mentioned (
I would contribute more, If I weren't as busy :b

Re: Can we get a script request /idea forum?

Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 12:50
by jeeswg
This thread became a bit of collaboration. The only one I can think of off the top of my head.
Anagrams - AutoHotkey Community ... 19&t=34240

I would recommend some possibilities:
- post one or multiple ideas in that thread as joedf suggested
- if there's something relevant that already exists, post a query there that will help you get the additional code you require
- if you have one idea, start a thread with your idea, in Ask For Help
- if you have multiple ideas, start a thread listing those ideas, in Ask For Help