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Link to SCAM website

Posted: 11 Oct 2017, 19:53
by joefiesta
The OLD forum contains the following topic: ... -your-gui/

This topic has a link, in the first entry, labeled "Control_AniGif.ahk"

This link points to: http: // ~PhiLho/Control_AniGif .ahk (not exact: I added spaces so it's not clicked accidentally)

When I clicked the link, I was taken to one of those SCAM WEBSITES. You know, the one's that tell you you have a virus and have to pay money, etc etc.

Can someone address this, please.

Thank you

Joe Petree

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 11 Oct 2017, 20:00
by joedf
The reason is actually, the whole domain is owned by some person. that somehow wants to spread scams/ads ?
We dont own it. We want to, but it's currently locked to this person. Contact would need to be established.
For now, all links are dead.
If you require something from this domain, please look in the archives posted here:

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 00:05
by nnnik
Yeah that also means that we need to shut down the old forum to prevent users from getting there

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 02:17
by Guest
Some suggestions

1. How hard would it be to do a global find/replace on the database by replacing autohotkey . net with something else?

2. How hard would it be to add a javascript to the old forum template (should be possible in the head) that does a find/replace in the text of the page after it has loaded doing the same?


Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 08:22
by tank
Guest wrote:with something else
but to what exactly. that's the hard part. I was working on a solution but my time has been hit and miss. Ideally, i want to stand up some searchable archived content to redirect to. but that is going to take time. we cant execute any replacement strategy without a suitable replacement

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 08:30
by Guest
tank wrote:but to what exactly
Not really, just make sure its defunct, no need to try and fix all the a hrefs.

find: autohotkey . net
replace: autohotkey dot net

Now you will have non working links that will also help Google drop AutoHotkey . net from its rankings etc.

At there is this "archived forums" image - that image could be replaced with an image with a note:
"All links to AutoHotkey [dot] net are defunct" or something like that.

Or if you can, replace autohotkey . net with and make all .com/~* incoming visitors redirect to or similar pinned topic explaining why they end up that post.

I'm sure its easier said then done, especially if you don't have much time and I appreciate the time you and others already spend on managing the forum.

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 08:41
by just me
Why not replace all links to with the text 'Broken link!' or similar?

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 10:13
by tank
I wish it were as simple as that. Replacing the text of said links will not be trivial

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 10:30
by Guest
Perhaps you could make a few records of the MySql? (not sure) old forum databaes available to someone like just me - or someone else with some mysql knowledge - to provide a test environment? Once a "script"/command has been found it can be run on the entire mysql database (an offline copy) - and then replace the current one?

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 12:14
by nnnik
So then do we need to put the boards down for the meantime until a solution is found?
I mean we really can't lead people to a scam website.

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 13:01
by joefiesta
I am glad to see this has sparked great interest


Is there a way one could make Firefox just now allow a person to go to any site? I guess I could do it if I ran Norton or some such crap.

Of course, the ideas above about just changing these links are FAR SUPERIOR, except for one idea to close down the old forum. The OLD forum is a HUMUNGOUS source of TREMENDOUSLY GOOD info.

Joe P

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 13:11
by tank
we just need a new home destination for those links. changing the text of the link in my mind is irrelevant and complicated. changing the actual link is doable
My project is on github if anyone wants to help speed up a new destination for those links

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 13:14
by tank

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 13:29
by Guest
In case you missed it:

1 - replace autohotkey . net with, now autohotkey . net/~UserName/UsefulAhkScript.ahk will go to
2 - .htaccess rule on : all "/~.*" requests redirect to a post on the active forum with links to the ZIP archive files HOSTED on (so no dropbox crap or personal hosting etc as these go down again and again)

My 2cts. There is no point in trying to recreate the autohotkey . net user folders on .com here as they are incomplete and some people are active with more updated material on the active forum anyway.

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 13:41
by joedf
I have an idea... tmp fix... using js to run on client side to run after page load and effectively changes all the urls to AHK archives links or what not.
Simply put such a script in the header or footer of all forum pages and have conditionals whether to run or not.
It might look malicious, but should get the job done. :p

I feel shutting the whole forum (old) down might be a little overboard. I still search it occasionally for obscure solutions ;)

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 14:28
by tank
changes them to what JoeDf that's the problem. Its no problem to change links

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 13 Oct 2017, 03:51
by just me
tank wrote:I wish it were as simple as that. Replacing the text of said links will not be trivial
I have no clue about the database structure behind the scenes. But in case I did not express myself well, I don't recommend to change the link text, I recommend to replace the whole link with text.

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 13 Oct 2017, 21:17
by joedf
Oh make the link text the same, but redirect them to a forum post here explaining the status of and suggest where to get the scripts for example the archives/backup post in scripts section.

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 14 Oct 2017, 07:30
by derz00
I thought some of the links are exactly like that already

Re: Link to SCAM website

Posted: 14 Oct 2017, 19:29
by joedf
Are they?