Ahk2Exe V2 from the Edge branch incomplete?

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Ahk2Exe V2 from the Edge branch incomplete?

26 Aug 2016, 14:46

I'm now testing (and adapting) some of my scripts with AHK v2 alpha (2.0-a075-02fab78, 32-bit, Unicode).
The I tried to run the script ahk2exe.ahk from https://github.com/fincs/Ahk2Exe/blob/edge/Ahk2Exe.ahk
A lot of errors are reported. I'm reluctant to call these errors, because i'm absolutely new to version 2. After trying to fix some of them I gave up (because I may completeley misunderstand the reprted error):

Code: Select all

Original statement                      My trial 'fix'
#NoEnv                                  comment out
Loop, %A_ScriptDir%\*.bin               Loop, %A_ScriptDir%"\*.bin"
if resExt in bmp,dib                    if resExt = "bmp" || resExt = "dib"
else if resExt in htm, html, mht        else if resExt = "htm" || resExt = "html" resExt = "mht"
if !RegExMatch(tline, "i)^FileInstall[ \t]*[, \t][ \t]*([^,]+?)[ \t]*(,|$)", o) || o1 ~= "[^``]%"
				                        if !RegExMatch(tline, "i)^FileInstall[ \t]*[, \t][ \t]*([^,]+?)[ \t]*(,|$)", o) || o1 ~= "[^``]`%"
I took ahk2exe.ahk from the edge branch assuming hat this is the most recent one.
Did I download a "work in progress" item?
Thank You for pointing to a more succesful path...
Klaus Daube, Zürich, CH
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Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 04:07

Re: Ahk2Exe V2 from the Edge branch incomplete?

27 Aug 2016, 01:38

The "edge" branch of Ahk2Exe has nothing to do with v2. Ahk2Exe is written for v1.

You can compile Ahk2Exe with v1 and then use a v2 bin file to compile your script. You need to build the bin file yourself -- or you can use AutoHotkey_H v2, which includes a compiler.
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Joined: 02 Nov 2015, 03:11

Re: Ahk2Exe V2 from the Edge branch incomplete?

27 Aug 2016, 03:29

Thank You very much, Lexikos,
Now I can compile and get the wanted additional information into the exe files!
Klaus Daube, Zürich, CH

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