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Re: script command line parameters

Posted: 06 Dec 2021, 11:16
by autocart
"the standard within windows of passing command line params for all windows commands" "this isnt an ahk defined scope"
If that is so, then that info should be included in the documentation for the command line params. Otherwise the doc team is "trolling" the average reader. Not everyone using AHK is an "experienced IT professional".

Besides, also in such a case, if the widespread traditional usage of something is flawed, it does not hurt to alternatively add an improved version of that thing, accessable either with a different command or with a switch or whatever.

Re: script command line parameters

Posted: 06 Dec 2021, 11:27
by tank
your post was worded as if you had a deeper understadng that autohotkey is just script interpreter that calls complex windows API. justme already explained the source of the standard, but you continued.

perhaps if your post had asked why is it like this instead of attempting to shame the devs for not seeing things like you do.

Re: script command line parameters

Posted: 10 Dec 2021, 04:16
by lmstearn
Sure we can all devise and then suggest different methods of AHK programs interpreting other AHK programs cmd line args given the limitations. For non-AHK programs all one can do is use the MS specific fixture (per just me) which applies to all Windows executables. Find down that page the rules for it, and know those rules have been applied since at least the Win95 days.
My only original (off the cuff) wish was that AHK would employ its own escape, the backtick, ` for all escape & cmd line requisites, unfortunately, after further experience with AHK scripting this doesn't seem possible at all now.
Consider it more of a policy thing where AHK eschews any manipulation or wrapping of universal MS style cmd line string templates, however, if you wish to code up a class or utility offering more ease of use, why not contribute? Or, at least, a request in the docs section. :)

Re: script command line parameters

Posted: 28 May 2022, 14:28
by MarcusK35
Not sure about the documentation, but you can just add a ` prior to the quote to send a literal " in the command line. At least that's how I do my command lines in AHK.