Objects add inverse order methods

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Objects add inverse order methods

12 Aug 2023, 14:27

I'm not sure if this is a good proposal, but in the use of AutoHotkey, I will often use inverse traversal, which is, of course, very cumbersome to implement.
I searched some other languages and it seems they all support inverse order traversal.

This is the implementation of inverse order using AutoHotkey:

Code: Select all

arr := []
for k, v in Map("a", 1, "b", 2)
	arr.InsertAt(1, [k, v])

for n in arr
This is the built-in method I was hoping for:

Code: Select all

for k, v in Map("a", 1, "b", 2).rev()
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Re: Objects add inverse order methods

12 Aug 2023, 19:20

Here's one way to implement it:

Code: Select all

Map.Prototype.DefineProp "Rev", {
    Call: (m) => (keys:=[m*], f(&k?, &v?) => keys.Length ? (v := m[k:=keys.Pop()], 1) : 0, f)

for k, v in Map("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3).Rev() {
    OutputDebug k ", " v "`n"
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Re: Objects add inverse order methods

13 Aug 2023, 21:29

Inverse of what order? As far as I recall, the map enumerator (documentation) does not guarantee any particular order.
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Re: Objects add inverse order methods

14 Aug 2023, 09:15

Sorry, I didn't find anything order related in the documentation (but I really checked the documentation carefully).
I tried the following code 1000000 times and got the same order. Can you tell me how to modify this object to break this order?

Code: Select all

	m := Map("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3)
	loop 100
		m[A_Index] := A_Index

	st := ""
	for k, v in m
		st .= k ": " v ", "
	st2 := st
	loop 1000000
		st := ""
		for k, v in m
			st .= k ": " v ", "
		if st2 != st
			MsgBox "err> " st

	MsgBox st
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Re: Objects add inverse order methods

14 Aug 2023, 14:41

You seem to be intent on getting someone to state something other than its order is not guaranteed. Don't read any more into it than that.

crocodile wrote: I tried the following code 1000000 times and got the same order.
Just because you found it to be repeatable (and for the map as created/stored exactly the same way every time) doesn't mean that it would always be so, especially in future builds.

crocodile wrote: Can you tell me how to modify this object to break this order?
He didn't say there was a way for it to be modified. Its order not being guaranteed is very different than being user-definable.

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