control zoo (AHK v2)

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control zoo (AHK v2)

21 Dec 2017, 14:00

[EDIT: See updated version in post lower down.]
I've created an AHK v2 version of my control zoo. Hopefully this will provide some useful template code for anyone who wants to get started with GUIs in AHK v2.

control zoo (AHK v1.1) - AutoHotkey Community

Code: Select all

;AHK v2 script (tested on AHK v2.0-a081-cad307c)
;'control zoo (ahk v2).ahk' by jeeswg

#SingleInstance force

vInput := 111
vInput := InputBox("show built-in controls 1/show built-in controls 2/show custom controls",,, vInput)
vShowBuiltIn1 := SubStr(vInput, 1, 1)
vShowBuiltIn2 := SubStr(vInput, 2, 1)
vShowCustom := SubStr(vInput, 3, 1)


;GUI Control Types

;•Text, Edit, UpDown, Picture
;•Button, Checkbox, Radio
;•DropDownList, ComboBox
;•ListBox, ListView, TreeView
;•Link, Hotkey, DateTime, MonthCal
;•Slider, Progress
;•GroupBox, Tab, StatusBar
;•ActiveX (e.g. Internet Explorer Control)

;tabbed = in vShowBuiltIn1 (11 control types + DDL = 12)
	;Text [Static]
	;Edit [Edit]
;UpDown [msctls_updown32]
;Picture [Static]
	;Button [Button]
;Checkbox [Button]
;Radio [Button]
	;DropDownList [ComboBox]
	;ComboBox [ComboBox + Edit]
	;ListBox [ListBox]
	;ListView [SysListView32 + SysHeader32]
	;TreeView [SysTreeView32]
	;Link [SysLink]
;Hotkey [msctls_hotkey32]
	;DateTime [SysDateTimePick32]
;MonthCal [SysMonthCal32]
;Slider [msctls_trackbar32]
;Progress [msctls_progress32]
;GroupBox [Button]
;Tab [SysTabControl32]
	;StatusBar [msctls_statusbar32]
	;ActiveX (e.g. Internet Explorer Control) [AtlAxWin + Shell Embedding + Shell DocObject View + Internet Explorer_Server]
;Custom []



;create window
oGui := GuiCreate(, "control zoo")
oGui.OnEvent("Close", "Gui_Close")
hGui := oGui.hWnd
OnMessage(0x111, "WM_COMMAND")


if vShowBuiltIn1
	Menu("SubMenu1", "Add")
	Menu("SubMenu2", "Add")
	Menu("SubMenu3", "Add")
	Menu("SubMenu1", "DeleteAll")
	Menu("SubMenu2", "DeleteAll")
	Menu("SubMenu3", "DeleteAll")

	Menu("MenuBar", "Add", "MENU 1", ":SubMenu1")
	Menu("MenuBar", "Add", "MENU 2", ":SubMenu2")
	Menu("MenuBar", "Add", "MENU 3", ":SubMenu3")
	Menu("SubMenu1", "Add", "MENU 1.1", "MyMenuLabel")
	Menu("SubMenu1", "Add", "MENU 1.2", "MyMenuLabel")
	Menu("SubMenu1", "Add", "MENU 1.3", "MyMenuLabel")
	Menu("SubMenu2", "Add", "MENU 2.1", "MyMenuLabel")
	Menu("SubMenu2", "Add", "MENU 2.2", "MyMenuLabel")
	Menu("SubMenu2", "Add", "MENU 2.3", "MyMenuLabel")
	Menu("SubMenu3", "Add", "MENU 3.1", "MyMenuLabel")
	Menu("SubMenu3", "Add", "MENU 3.2", "MyMenuLabel")
	Menu("SubMenu3", "Add", "MENU 3.3", "MyMenuLabel")
	oGui.Menu := "MenuBar"


;built-in control types
if vShowBuiltIn1
	vPos := vShowCustom ? "y30" : "" ;make room for toolbar if needed
	oGui.Add("Text", vPos, "STATIC 1")
	oGui.Add("Edit",, "EDIT 1")
	oBtn := oGui.Add("Button",, "BTN 1")
	oBtn.OnEvent("Click", Func("MyButtonFunc").bind(oBtn))
	oGui.Add("DropDownList",, "CBX 'DDL' 1||CBX 'DDL' 2|CBX 'DDL' 3")
	oGui.Add("ComboBox",, "CBX 1||CBX 2|CBX 3")
	oGui.Add("ListBox", "+Multi", "LBX 1||LBX 2|LBX 3") ;LBS_EXTENDEDSEL := 0x800 ;LBS_MULTIPLESEL := 0x8
	oLV := oGui.Add("ListView", "r3", "LVH 1|LVH 2|LVH 3")
	;oLV := oGui.Add("ListView", "+Grid r3", "LVH 1|LVH 2|LVH 3")
	Loop 3
		if (A_Index = 1)
			oLV.Add("Select", "LV A" A_Index, "LV B" A_Index, "LV C" A_Index)
			oLV.Add("", "LV A" A_Index, "LV B" A_Index, "LV C" A_Index)
	oTV := oGui.Add("TreeView")
	vTV1 := oTV.Add("TV 1", "", "Select")
	vTV2 := oTV.Add("TV 2", vTV1)
	vTV3 := oTV.Add("TV 3", vTV2)
	vTV4 := oTV.Add("TV 4", vTV1)
	vTV5 := oTV.Add("TV 5")
	oGui.Add("Link",, "<a href=`"`"></a>")
	oGui.Add("DateTime", "Choose20060504030201", "HH:mm:ss dd/MM/yyyy")
	oSB := oGui.Add("StatusBar",, "SB 1")
	oSB.SetParts(50, 50, 50)
	oSB.SetText("SB 2", 2)
	oSB.SetText("SB 3", 3)
	oWB := oGui.Add("ActiveX", "w240 h100", "Shell.Explorer").Value
	while oWB.busy || !(oWB.ReadyState = 4)
	oWB.ExecWB(63, 2, 30, 0) ;zoom 30%
	oWB.document.parentWindow.scrollBy(120, 35)


;built-in control types further
if vShowBuiltIn2
	vPosX := (vShowBuiltIn1 && vShowBuiltIn2) ? "x300" : "" ;shift to right, if all controls being shown
	vPosY := (!vShowBuiltIn1 && vShowCustom) ? "y30" : "" ;make room for toolbar if needed
	vPosY := (vShowBuiltIn1 && vShowBuiltIn2 && vShowCustom) ? "y30" : vPosY ;make room for toolbar if needed
	oGui.Add("Edit", vPosX " " vPosY) ;for UpDown
	oGui.Add("UpDown",, 100)
	oGui.Add("Picture",, A_AhkPath)
	oGui.Add("Checkbox", "Checked", "BTN 2")
	oGui.Add("Radio", "Checked", "BTN 3")
	oGui.Add("Radio",, "BTN 4")
	oGui.Add("Radio", "Checked Group", "BTN 5")
	oGui.Add("Radio",, "BTN 6")
	oGui.Add("GroupBox", "h20", "BTN 7")
	oGui.Add("Hotkey",, "^q")
	oGui.Add("MonthCal",, "20060504030201")
	oGui.Add("Slider", "h30", 100)
	oGui.Add("Progress", "+Smooth", 100) ;PBS_SMOOTH := 0x1
	;oGui.Add("Progress", "+0x1", 100) ;PBS_SMOOTH := 0x1
	oGui.Add("Progress",, 50)
	oGui.Add("Progress",, 100)
	oTab := oGui.Add("Tab3", "h40", "TAB 1|TAB 2|TAB 3")
	oTab.UseTab() ;future controls are not part of any tab control


;custom control types
if vShowCustom
	hModuleME := DllCall("kernel32\LoadLibrary", Str,"msftedit.dll", Ptr)
	vPos := (!vShowBuiltIn1 && !vShowBuiltIn2) ? "y30" : "" ;make room for toolbar if needed
	oGui.Add("Custom", vPos " ClassRICHEDIT50W r1")
	ControlSetText("RICH 1", "RICHEDIT50W1", "ahk_id " hGui)

	;Download Scintilla and SciTE
	;Scintilla controls: SciLexer.dll x64/x32 - AutoHotkey Community
	vSfx := (A_PtrSize = 8) ? 64 : 32
	if FileExist(vPathSciLexer := A_ScriptDir "\SciLexer" vSfx ".dll")
	|| FileExist(vPathSciLexer := RegExReplace(A_AhkPath, "\\[^\\]*$") "\SciLexer" vSfx ".dll")
		hModuleSL := DllCall("kernel32\LoadLibrary", Str,vPathSciLexer, Ptr)
		oGui.Add("Custom", "ClassScintilla r2")
		;ControlSetText("SCIN 1", "Scintilla1", "ahk_id " hGui) ;only shows 'S'
		ControlSend("SCIN 1", "Scintilla1", "ahk_id " hGui)
		;SC_CP_UTF8 := 65001
		SendMessage(2037, 65001,, "Scintilla1", "ahk_id " hGui) ;SCI_SETCODEPAGE := 2037

	;oGui.Add("Custom", "ClassToolbarWindow32")
	oGui.Add("Custom", "ClassToolbarWindow32 0x100") ;TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS := 0x100
	;oGui.Add("Custom", "ClassToolbarWindow32 0x1000") ;TBSTYLE_LIST := 0x1000 ;text to side of buttons
	;oGui.Add("Custom", "ClassToolbarWindow32 0x1100")
	hTB := ControlGetHwnd("ToolbarWindow321", "ahk_id " hGUI)
	SendMessage(0x43C, 0, 0,, "ahk_id " hTB) ;TB_SETMAXTEXTROWS := 0x43C ;text omitted from buttons
	;note: if more than one button has the same idCommand, then only the last button with that idCommand will have a ToolTip
	vCount := 5, vSize := A_PtrSize=8?32:20
	VarSetCapacity(TBBUTTON, vCount*vSize, 0)
	Loop vCount
		vText%A_Index% := "TB " A_Index
		vOffset := (A_Index-1)*vSize
		NumPut(A_Index-1, &TBBUTTON, vOffset, "Int") ;iBitmap
		NumPut(A_Index-1, &TBBUTTON, vOffset+4, "Int") ;idCommand
		NumPut(0x4, &TBBUTTON, vOffset+8, "UChar") ;fsState
		NumPut(&vText%A_Index%, &TBBUTTON, vOffset+(A_PtrSize=8?24:16), "Ptr") ;iString
	hIL := IL_Create(5, 2, 0)
	IL_Add(hIL, A_AhkPath, -159) ;green H
	IL_Add(hIL, A_AhkPath, -206) ;green S
	IL_Add(hIL, A_AhkPath, -207) ;red H
	IL_Add(hIL, A_AhkPath, -208) ;red S
	IL_Add(hIL, A_AhkPath, -160) ;file icon
	SendMessage(0x430, 0, hIL,, "ahk_id " hTB) ;TB_SETIMAGELIST := 0x430
	vMsg := A_IsUnicode?0x444:0x414
	SendMessage(vMsg, vCount, &TBBUTTON,, "ahk_id " hTB) ;TB_ADDBUTTONSW := 0x444 ;TB_ADDBUTTONSA := 0x414


;default width is 266
if vShowBuiltIn1 && vShowBuiltIn2
if hTB
	SendMessage(0x421,,,, "ahk_id " hTB) ;TB_AUTOSIZE := 0x421
;ControlMove(0, 0, 0, 0,, "ahk_id " hTB)






WM_COMMAND(wParam, lParam, uMsg, hWnd)
	vWinClass := WinGetClass("ahk_id " lParam)
	if (vWinClass = "ToolbarWindow32")

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Re: control zoo (AHK v2)

29 Jan 2018, 19:32

Updated in response to the Menu function being replaced with the Menu object.
AutoHotkey v2 alpha (UPDATES) - Page 2 - AutoHotkey Community ... 84#p190484

Code: Select all

;AHK v2 script (tested on AHK v2.0-a094-29bbc64)
;(originally tested on AHK v2.0-a086-80cc1eb)
;'control zoo (ahk v2).ahk' by jeeswg

#SingleInstance force

vInput := 111
vInput := InputBox("show built-in controls 1/show built-in controls 2/show custom controls",,, vInput)
vShowBuiltIn1 := SubStr(vInput, 1, 1)
vShowBuiltIn2 := SubStr(vInput, 2, 1)
vShowCustom := SubStr(vInput, 3, 1)


;GUI Control Types

;•Text, Edit, UpDown, Picture
;•Button, Checkbox, Radio
;•DropDownList, ComboBox
;•ListBox, ListView, TreeView
;•Link, Hotkey, DateTime, MonthCal
;•Slider, Progress
;•GroupBox, Tab, StatusBar
;•ActiveX (e.g. Internet Explorer Control)

;tabbed = in vShowBuiltIn1 (11 control types + DDL = 12)
	;Text [Static]
	;Edit [Edit]
;UpDown [msctls_updown32]
;Picture [Static]
	;Button [Button]
;Checkbox [Button]
;Radio [Button]
	;DropDownList [ComboBox]
	;ComboBox [ComboBox + Edit]
	;ListBox [ListBox]
	;ListView [SysListView32 + SysHeader32]
	;TreeView [SysTreeView32]
	;Link [SysLink]
;Hotkey [msctls_hotkey32]
	;DateTime [SysDateTimePick32]
;MonthCal [SysMonthCal32]
;Slider [msctls_trackbar32]
;Progress [msctls_progress32]
;GroupBox [Button]
;Tab [SysTabControl32]
	;StatusBar [msctls_statusbar32]
	;ActiveX (e.g. Internet Explorer Control) [AtlAxWin + Shell Embedding + Shell DocObject View + Internet Explorer_Server]
;Custom []



;create window
oGui := GuiCreate(, "control zoo")
oGui.OnEvent("Close", "Gui_Close")
hGui := oGui.hWnd
OnMessage(0x111, "WM_COMMAND")


if vShowBuiltIn1
	oMenuBar := MenuBarCreate()
	Loop 3
		oSubMenu%A_Index% := MenuCreate()
	Loop 3
		oMenuBar.Add("MENU " A_Index, oSubMenu%A_Index%)
	Loop 3
		oSubMenu1.Add("MENU 1." A_Index, "MyMenuFunc")
	Loop 3
		oSubMenu2.Add("MENU 2." A_Index, "MyMenuFunc")
	Loop 3
		oSubMenu3.Add("MENU 3." A_Index, "MyMenuFunc")
	oGui.MenuBar := oMenuBar


;built-in control types
if vShowBuiltIn1
	vPos := vShowCustom ? "y30" : "" ;make room for toolbar if needed
	oGui.Add("Text", vPos, "STATIC 1")
	oGui.Add("Edit",, "EDIT 1")
	oBtn := oGui.Add("Button",, "BTN 1")
	oBtn.OnEvent("Click", Func("MyButtonFunc").Bind(oBtn))
	oGui.Add("DropDownList",, "CBX 'DDL' 1||CBX 'DDL' 2|CBX 'DDL' 3")
	oGui.Add("ComboBox",, "CBX 1||CBX 2|CBX 3")
	oGui.Add("ListBox", "+Multi", "LBX 1||LBX 2|LBX 3") ;LBS_EXTENDEDSEL := 0x800 ;LBS_MULTIPLESEL := 0x8
	oLV := oGui.Add("ListView", "r3", "LVH 1|LVH 2|LVH 3")
	;oLV := oGui.Add("ListView", "+Grid r3", "LVH 1|LVH 2|LVH 3")
	Loop 3
		if (A_Index = 1)
			oLV.Add("Select", "LV A" A_Index, "LV B" A_Index, "LV C" A_Index)
			oLV.Add("", "LV A" A_Index, "LV B" A_Index, "LV C" A_Index)
	oTV := oGui.Add("TreeView")
	vTV1 := oTV.Add("TV 1", "", "Select")
	vTV2 := oTV.Add("TV 2", vTV1)
	vTV3 := oTV.Add("TV 3", vTV2)
	vTV4 := oTV.Add("TV 4", vTV1)
	vTV5 := oTV.Add("TV 5")
	oGui.Add("Link",, "<a href=" Chr(34) "" Chr(34) "></a>")
	oGui.Add("DateTime", "Choose20060504030201", "HH:mm:ss dd/MM/yyyy")
	oSB := oGui.Add("StatusBar",, "SB 1")
	oSB.SetParts(50, 50, 50)
	oSB.SetText("SB 2", 2)
	oSB.SetText("SB 3", 3)
	oWB := oGui.Add("ActiveX", "w240 h100", "Shell.Explorer").Value
	while oWB.busy || !(oWB.ReadyState = 4)
	oWB.ExecWB(63, 2, 30, 0) ;zoom 30%
	oWB.document.parentWindow.scrollBy(120, 35)


;built-in control types further
if vShowBuiltIn2
	vPosX := (vShowBuiltIn1 && vShowBuiltIn2) ? "x300" : "" ;shift to right, if all controls being shown
	vPosY := (!vShowBuiltIn1 && vShowCustom) ? "y30" : "" ;make room for toolbar if needed
	vPosY := (vShowBuiltIn1 && vShowBuiltIn2 && vShowCustom) ? "y30" : vPosY ;make room for toolbar if needed
	oGui.Add("Edit", vPosX " " vPosY) ;for UpDown
	oGui.Add("UpDown",, 100)
	oGui.Add("Picture",, A_AhkPath)
	oGui.Add("Checkbox", "Checked", "BTN 2")
	oGui.Add("Radio", "Checked", "BTN 3")
	oGui.Add("Radio",, "BTN 4")
	oGui.Add("Radio", "Checked Group", "BTN 5")
	oGui.Add("Radio",, "BTN 6")
	oGui.Add("GroupBox", "h20", "BTN 7")
	oGui.Add("Hotkey",, "^q")
	oGui.Add("MonthCal",, "20060504030201")
	oGui.Add("Slider", "h30", 100)
	oGui.Add("Progress", "+Smooth", 100) ;PBS_SMOOTH := 0x1
	;oGui.Add("Progress", "+0x1", 100) ;PBS_SMOOTH := 0x1
	oGui.Add("Progress",, 50)
	oGui.Add("Progress",, 100)
	oTab := oGui.Add("Tab3", "h40", "TAB 1|TAB 2|TAB 3")
	oTab.UseTab() ;future controls are not part of any tab control


;custom control types
if vShowCustom
	hModuleME := DllCall("kernel32\LoadLibrary", Str,"msftedit.dll", Ptr)
	vPos := (!vShowBuiltIn1 && !vShowBuiltIn2) ? "y30" : "" ;make room for toolbar if needed
	oGui.Add("Custom", vPos " ClassRICHEDIT50W r1")
	ControlSetText("RICH 1", "RICHEDIT50W1", "ahk_id " hGui)

	;Download Scintilla and SciTE
	;Scintilla controls: SciLexer.dll x64/x32 - AutoHotkey Community
	vSfx := (A_PtrSize = 8) ? 64 : 32
	if FileExist(vPathSciLexer := A_ScriptDir "\SciLexer" vSfx ".dll")
	|| FileExist(vPathSciLexer := RegExReplace(A_AhkPath, "\\[^\\]*$") "\SciLexer" vSfx ".dll")
		hModuleSL := DllCall("kernel32\LoadLibrary", Str,vPathSciLexer, Ptr)
		oGui.Add("Custom", "ClassScintilla r2")
		;ControlSetText("SCIN 1", "Scintilla1", "ahk_id " hGui) ;only shows 'S'
		ControlSend("SCIN 1", "Scintilla1", "ahk_id " hGui)
		;SC_CP_UTF8 := 65001
		SendMessage(2037, 65001,, "Scintilla1", "ahk_id " hGui) ;SCI_SETCODEPAGE := 2037

	;oGui.Add("Custom", "ClassToolbarWindow32")
	oGui.Add("Custom", "ClassToolbarWindow32 0x100") ;TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS := 0x100
	;oGui.Add("Custom", "ClassToolbarWindow32 0x1000") ;TBSTYLE_LIST := 0x1000 ;text to side of buttons
	;oGui.Add("Custom", "ClassToolbarWindow32 0x1100")
	hTB := ControlGetHwnd("ToolbarWindow321", "ahk_id " hGUI)
	SendMessage(0x43C, 0, 0,, "ahk_id " hTB) ;TB_SETMAXTEXTROWS := 0x43C ;text omitted from buttons
	;note: if more than one button has the same idCommand, then only the last button with that idCommand will have a ToolTip
	vCount := 5, vSize := A_PtrSize=8?32:20
	VarSetCapacity(TBBUTTON, vCount*vSize, 0)
	Loop vCount
		vText%A_Index% := "TB " A_Index
		vOffset := (A_Index-1)*vSize
		NumPut(A_Index-1, &TBBUTTON, vOffset, "Int") ;iBitmap
		NumPut(A_Index-1, &TBBUTTON, vOffset+4, "Int") ;idCommand
		NumPut(0x4, &TBBUTTON, vOffset+8, "UChar") ;fsState
		NumPut(&vText%A_Index%, &TBBUTTON, vOffset+(A_PtrSize=8?24:16), "Ptr") ;iString
	hIL := IL_Create(5, 2, 0)
	IL_Add(hIL, A_AhkPath, -159) ;green H
	IL_Add(hIL, A_AhkPath, -206) ;green S
	IL_Add(hIL, A_AhkPath, -207) ;red H
	IL_Add(hIL, A_AhkPath, -208) ;red S
	IL_Add(hIL, A_AhkPath, -160) ;file icon
	SendMessage(0x430, 0, hIL,, "ahk_id " hTB) ;TB_SETIMAGELIST := 0x430
	vMsg := A_IsUnicode?0x444:0x414
	SendMessage(vMsg, vCount, &TBBUTTON,, "ahk_id " hTB) ;TB_ADDBUTTONSW := 0x444 ;TB_ADDBUTTONSA := 0x414


;default width is 266
if vShowBuiltIn1 && vShowBuiltIn2
if hTB
	SendMessage(0x421,,,, "ahk_id " hTB) ;TB_AUTOSIZE := 0x421
;ControlMove(0, 0, 0, 0,, "ahk_id " hTB)






WM_COMMAND(wParam, lParam, uMsg, hWnd)
	vWinClass := WinGetClass("ahk_id " lParam)
	if (vWinClass = "ToolbarWindow32")

[EDIT:] Edits made to make it compatible with v2.0-a094-29bbc64:

Code: Select all

oMenuBar := MenuCreate()
oMenuBar := MenuBarCreate()

oGui.Menu := oMenuBar
oGui.MenuBar := oMenuBar
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