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como realizo GUI para modificar valores del diccionario ak2_pattern mientras estoy usando el codigo gracias

Posted: 03 Jan 2023, 11:46
by persia

Code: Select all

active_pattern := ak2pattern ;semi-redundant and will make sense later

;instead of having 29 separate dllcalls with a bunch of if->elses, use an array so you can loop over them

;"another" pattern, just an example of adding more
ak2pattern := {1: "0,5",   2: "1,5",   3: "0,5"
			 , 4: "3,5",   5: "0,5",   6: "1,5"
			,  7: "0,5",   8: "1,2",   9: "0,2"
           ,  10: "1,2",  11: "0,2",  12: "0,1"
          ,   13: "0,1",  14: "0,1",  15: "-1,0"
            , 16: "-1,0", 17: "-0,1", 18: "-0,1"
          ,   19: "0,0",  20: "0,1",  21: "0,0"
          ,   22: "0,1",  23: "1,0",  24: "0,1"
            , 25: "1,0",  26: "-1,0",  27: "-0,0"
			, 28: "-0,0",  29: "-1,0" , 30: "1,0"
            , 31: "0,0" ,  32: "0,1" ,  33: "1,1"}

active_pattern := ak2pattern ;setting the ak_pattern as the default one at launch, demo purposes

;;simplified version of getting the active weapon, and instead of it setting a string, just sets the pattern to be used, demo purposes

8::active_pattern := ak2pattern

;;just a hotkey instead of chain of labels for simplicity, demo purposes
if (active_pattern) { ;make sure the equipped weapon has a pattern
	DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 2, int, 0, int, 0, uint, 0, int, 0) ;send the mouse down like in your script
	loop { ;loop "until" key_shoot is released or you've reached the end (empty mag) "a_index > active_pattern.maxindex()"
		x := strsplit(active_pattern[a_index],",")[1] ;get the "x" from the item at a_index in active_pattern
		y := strsplit(active_pattern[a_index],",")[2] ;get the "y" from the item at a_index in active_pattern
		dllcall("mouse_event","UInt",0x01,"UInt",x*modifier,"UInt",y*modifier) ;same relative dllcall like in your script
		sleep, 99 ;same...
	} until % !GetKeyState(key_shoot,"P") || a_index > active_pattern.maxindex() ;see loop comment
	DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 4, int, 0, int, 0, uint, 0, int, 0) ;send the mouse up like in your script
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