AHKWebDrive port WebDrive w3c a Autohotkey.

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AHKWebDrive port WebDrive w3c a Autohotkey.

30 Oct 2019, 17:08


El WebScraping ha llegado!!!!


He terminado la primera versión del port del api de webdriver el w3c.

NO es un port del Selenium, es el api del webdriver directamente.

Quizás sea un poco "arida" pero es una buena base para montar lo que querais-

Espero que os sea de ayuda.

ESTO.... la documentación está en camino. Aunque en el W3C teneis todas las llamadas.


Code: Select all

; get Session (WebDriver is runing @ localhost:9515)
wd := new WDSession("http://localhost:9515")
; navigate to new site
; click over documentation
; or use
we :=wd.element(WDSession.XPath,"//*[@id=""menu-0""]/div/div/div/div[3]/nav/div/ul/li[2]/a")
; using javascript
we := wd.element(WDSession.XPath,"//*[@id=""menu-0""]/div/div/div/div[3]/nav/div/ul/li[2]/a")
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Re: AHKWebDrive port WebDrive w3c a Autohotkey.

31 Oct 2019, 15:59

nueva versión.
cambiado de jxon a json :)
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Joined: 12 Jul 2018, 13:11

Re: AHKWebDrive port WebDrive w3c a Autohotkey.

04 Jul 2020, 12:31

Hello! hey this looks very promising! we need a safe escape to SeleniumBasic (V2), since Selenium is almost at V4, and wee need Autohotkey to keep up with it

I know this is a WIP, but, I tried your code and it gave me this error:
a1.jpg (44.3 KiB) Viewed 6124 times

And if I continue the script, it gave this
a2.jpg (4.21 KiB) Viewed 6124 times

I am guessing the error is on this line on "test_url.ahk":

Code: Select all

    msgbox % "Error:" wd.rc.value.error " " wd.rc.value.message
Any ideas?

Another thing, I maybe missed it on the doc but how do you set the working browser? and how to target the driver?
like for example like this:

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\SeleniumBasic\chromedriver.exe
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Joined: 12 Jul 2018, 13:11

Re: AHKWebDrive port WebDrive w3c a Autohotkey.

04 Jul 2020, 13:57

I am trying my best to workaround on that error without success, if I may, what is the goal with this function:

Code: Select all

__ws(metodo, url, cuerpo:=""){
		static WS_SERVIDOR := ComObjCreate("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
		local rc:={}
		WS_SERVIDOR.Open(metodo,url, false)
		WS_SERVIDOR.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/json; charset=UTF-8")
		rc.status  := WS_SERVIDOR.Status
		rc.isError := (WS_SERVIDOR.Status < 200 or WS_SERVIDOR.Status > 299)
		rc.raw     := WS_SERVIDOR.ResponseText
		rc.value   := JSON.Parse(rc.raw).value
		rc.sendRaw :=  cuerpo
		return rc

More specifically, are you trying to parse a HTML in plain text as a JSON?

Code: Select all

rc.raw     := WS_SERVIDOR.ResponseText
rc.value   := JSON.Parse(rc.raw).value
I don't quite follow that part, and by many ways I am trying to get a "WS_SERVIDOR.ResponseText" that comes in a JSON but without success as well :(

I also tried using this other ComObjects

Code: Select all

WS_SERVIDOR := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
Posts: 36
Joined: 12 Jul 2018, 13:11

Re: AHKWebDrive port WebDrive w3c a Autohotkey.

04 Jul 2020, 14:08

Yeah, I think the error is in here:

Code: Select all

this.rc := WDSession.__ws("POST", this.prefijo "session",body )
this.sessionId := this.rc.value.sessionid
this.capabilities := this.rc.value.capabilities
I did some troubleshooting and they are empty, so in a function like this one:

Code: Select all

        local body := {}
        body.url := url
        this.rc := WDSession.__ws("POST", this.prefijo "session/" this.sessionId "/url", JSON.Stringify(body))
		return this.rc.isError

the "this.sessionId" is empty, and the "session/" messes up the URL, so it now gives the error of "The URL is invalid"

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