[AHK v2] Hash string and file functions

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[AHK v2] Hash string and file functions

21 Nov 2018, 16:07


Here are two basic hash functions:
hashString(String, Algorithm)
hashFile(FilePath, Algorithm)

Supported hash algorithms: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512

hashString is done using Windows' Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG)
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/window ... h-with-cng
According to the documentation:
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps | UWP apps]

hashFile uses CertUtil -hashfile, so it is subject CertUtil's limitations.

Note: Tested on Windows 10 64 bit Pro with AutoHotkey v2 a100 32/64 bit

GitHub Link: https://github.com/oif2003/AHK_v2_64bit ... h.ahk?ts=4

Code: Select all

	Basic string and file hash functions for AutoHotkey v2 a100
	by oif2003 (21 Nov 2018)
	Supported hash algorithms: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512

; == A quick demo ==
#SingleInstance force

;setup gui stuff
gui := GuiCreate(, "String and file hash demo")
gui.SetFont("s10", "Consolas")
editbox := gui.Add("Edit", "r22 w1020 readonly")

Str_To_Hash  := "Hash me!"			;string to hash
File_To_Hash := A_ScriptFullPath	;file to hash

;algorithms to try
Hash_Types := ["MD2","MD4","MD5","SHA1","SHA256","SHA384","SHA512","AES"]

;hashString attempts
editbox.Value .= "string = " Str_To_Hash "`n"
for _, v in Hash_Types {
	if !hash := hashString(Str_To_Hash, v)	{ ;calling the hash function
		hash := "Unsupported request"
	editbox.Value .= format("{:-6}", v) " = " . hash . (k != Hash_Types.Length() ? "`n" : "")

;hashFile attempts
editbox.Value .= "`nfile   = " File_To_Hash "`n"
for _, v in Hash_Types {
	if !hash := hashFile(file_To_Hash, v)	{ ;calling the hash function
		hash := (e := hashFile()) ? e : "Unsupported request"
	editbox.Value .= format("{:-6}", v) " = " . hash . (k != Hash_Types.Length() ? "`n" : "")

;getting error message from bad CertUtil requests
editbox.Value .= hashFile("no such file", "MD5") "`n"
editbox.Value .= "The last error message was: "
editbox.Value .= hashFile() "`n"
; == end of demo ==

;hashFile(FullFilePath, Algorithm) - valid Algorithms: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
hashFile(file := "", algo := "") {	;using CertUtil
	static cPid := 0
	static lastError := ""	;stores last error message: strStdOut
	static Supported_Hash := Object("MD2",_,"MD4",_,"MD5",_,"SHA1",_,"SHA256",_,"SHA384",_,"SHA512",_)
	;return last error message
	if !file {
		return lastError
	;check to see if requested algorithm is supported
	algo := StrUpper(algo)
	if !Supported_Hash.HasKey(algo) {
	;create and hide command window if we don't already have one
	if !cPid {
		_A_DetectHiddenWindows := A_DetectHiddenWindows
		A_DetectHiddenWindows  := true
		Run(A_ComSpec " /k ",, "Hide", cPid)
		WinWait("ahk_pid" cPid, , 10)
		DllCall("AttachConsole","uint", cPid)
		A_DetectHiddenWindows  := _A_DetectHiddenWindows
		;clean up on exiting script
	;run command and get output
	objShell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
	objExec  := objShell.Exec('certutil -hashfile "' file '" ' algo)
	while !objExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream {
		strStdOut := objExec.StdOut.ReadAll()

	;parse output
	start := InStr(strStdOut, file ":") + StrLen(file) + 1
	end := InStr(strStdOut, "CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.", , -1) - 1
	if start < end {
		return StrUpper(SubStr(strStdOut, start + 2, end - start - 2))
	} else {
		lastError := strStdOut
	;cleanUp function called on script exit (OnExit)
	cleanUp(_cPid) {
		_A_DetectHiddenWindows := A_DetectHiddenWindows
		A_DetectHiddenWindows := true
		DllCall("FreeConsole", "UInt")
		WinKill("ahk_pid" _cPid)
		A_DetectHiddenWindows := _A_DetectHiddenWindows

;hashString(String, Algorithm) - valid Algorithms: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
hashString(string, algo) {
	;These are the supported formats, maybe someone else can get the rest to work?
	static Supported_Hash := Object("MD2",_,"MD4",_,"MD5",_,"SHA1",_,"SHA256",_,"SHA384",_,"SHA512",_)
	;check to see if requested algorithm is supported
	algo := StrUpper(algo)
	if !Supported_Hash.HasKey(algo) {
	;continue if algorithm is supported
	hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "Bcrypt.dll", "Ptr")
	size := StrPutVar(string, str) - 1	;put string in str variable as UTF-8 for later use
	;See link for explaination of steps taken below: 
		,"Ptr*", phandle
		,"Str", algo
		,"UInt", 0
		,"UInt"	;returned error code see winnt.h

		,"Ptr", phandle
		,"Str", "ObjectLength"
		,"UInt*", pbOutput
		,"UInt", 4
		,"UInt*", pcbResult
		,"UInt", 0
		,"UInt"	;returned error code see winnt.h

	cbHashObject := pbOutput
	VarSetCapacity(pbHashObject, cbHashObject, 0)
		,"Ptr", phandle
		,"Ptr*", phHash
		,"Ptr", &pbHashObject
		,"UInt", cbHashObject
		,"Ptr", 0
		,"UInt", 0
		,"UInt", 0
		,"UInt"	;returned error code see winnt.h

		,"Ptr", phHash
		,"Ptr", &str ;&pbInput
		,"UInt", size ;cbInput
		,"UInt", 0
		,"UInt"	;returned error code see winnt.h

		,"Ptr", phandle
		,"Str", "HashDigestLength"
		,"UInt*", pbOutput
		,"UInt", 4
		,"UInt*", pcbResult
		,"UInt", 0
		,"UInt"	;returned error code see winnt.h
	hashsize := pbOutput

	cbOutput := hashsize
	VarSetCapacity(pbOutput, cbOutput, 0)
		,"Ptr", phHash
		,"Ptr", &pbOutput
		,"UInt", cbOutput
		,"UInt", 0
		,"UInt"	;returned error code see winnt.h

	;read each byte and append its 2 digit hex value to hashstr
	loop hashsize {
		hashstr .= format("{:02x}", NumGet(&pbOutput, A_Index - 1 , "UChar"))

	;clean up
	DllCall("Bcrypt.dll\BCryptDestroyHash", "Ptr", phHash, "UInt")
	DllCall("Bcrypt.dll\BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider", "Ptr", phandle, "UInt", 0, "UInt")
	DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Ptr", hModule)

	return StrUpper(hashstr)
	;helper function
	StrPutVar(string, ByRef var) {	;from AHK v2 doc
		VarSetCapacity(var, StrPut(string, "Utf-8"))
		return StrPut(string, &var, "Utf-8")

Posts: 265
Joined: 20 Jun 2014, 16:48

Re: [AHK v2] Hash string and file functions

22 Jul 2021, 15:15

Thanks, great work!
Posts: 3463
Joined: 09 Oct 2013, 10:31

Re: [AHK v2] Hash string and file functions

22 Jul 2021, 22:40

oif2003 wrote:
21 Nov 2018, 16:07
hashString is done using Windows' Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG)
would be curious if you know how to sign the hash data as well, like the example here:


Posts: 3463
Joined: 09 Oct 2013, 10:31

Re: [AHK v2] Hash string and file functions

24 Jul 2021, 14:33

malcev wrote:
23 Jul 2021, 05:16
guest3456, You can look at this examples
thanks that can give me a start

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